Test : Identification DNA Testing
Indications : DNA typing provides a valuable tool for the following:
• Establishing family relationships
• Establishing associations between forensic specimens and criminal suspects
The samples used are whole blood, tissue, semen or cultured cells. DNA is isolated through standard procedures and the extracted DNA is amplified using PCR technique. The amplified DNA is fragmented and run through an agarose gel electrophoresis. Once the DNA is profiled it is compared with other DNA profiles obtained to establish similarity, if any.
Physiology : The genetic material of an individual represents a unique pattern that determines that person’s identity and heredity. The only exceptions are identical twins as they have similar
DNA profile.
The purpose of a DNA identification test is to analyze a series of markers in the DNA samples from individuals. Each of these DNA markers exhibit great variation either in length or in composition. These variations are present in every cell of a person’s body. They are unique and strictly hereditary which bestow them with the ability to function as a hereditary marker.
The analysis of these highly polymorphic regions of human DNA can help to establish the identity of an unknown individual and also, clarify the relationships between individuals.
Normal Range : DNA identification can be used for many applications such as paternity identification, identification of military casualities, immigration dispute, sexual abuse and rape, criminal investigations.
Interpretation : If the DNA profiles have a similar pattern it indicates a blood relation between individuals. It could also indicate a link between a forensic sample and a criminal. The test is widely used for paternity testing and for identifying criminals.
Test Method : DNA polymorphism, souther blotting
Related Tests : Whole blood, tissue, semen or cultured cells
References :
1. https://www.uzleuven.be/en/forensic-medicine/dna-identification-test