About Pharmaceutical Industries In India
(To be submitted in Duplicate)
[See paragraphs 2,3 and 4)
Name of the Bulk Drug.
Name of the manufacturer.
Address of the Registered/Head Office of the Manufacturer.
Address of the Factory.
Capacity under Industrial License/Small Scale Industry Registration /Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum acknowledgement:-
No. and date of Industrial License/Small Scale Industry Registration/ Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum acknowledgement;
Production Capacity (Tones/Kgs./Litres etc.)
Installed Capacity :-
(a) Number of shifts per day;
(b) Number of operating days per year;
(c) Maximum production per shift (Tones/Kgs./Litres etc.);
(d) Date of commissioning;
Annual Installed capacity
Date of commencement of Commercial Production
Actual production achieved during the last accounting year (preferably monthwise) and also monthly production during the current year (Tones/Kgs/Litres etc.)
Brief note on the manufacturing process adopted by you indicating all stages including recovery of by-products, if any, solvents etc. and stage-wise overall yield for each bulk drug.
Average hourly rate of production for each of the bulk drug since the commencement of the commercial production.
Maximum hourly rate of production achievable.
Estimated production of the bulk drug during the next three years.
If the production is proposed to be captively consumed for manufacturer of the formulation, please furnish the quantity to be so consumed out of the production given against Serial No.8 and Serial No.12.
Capital employed for the manufacture of the bulk drug(s):-
-Net fixed assets:
-Working Capital:
15. Please state how the above capital employed is financed by net worth and borrowings.
(In the case of multi-purpose plant the capital employed/net worth as above and the share to be allocated to the bulk drug/intermediate under consideration to be given.)
16. Please state the average rate of interest paid by you on your borrowings, supported by figures of the amount of loans, average rate of interest etc. as per latest audited Balance Sheet.
Please furnish latest c.i.f. price of the bulk drug if the same had been imported or is being imported by you or by any other agency known to you.
Please furnish the cost of production of the bulk drug as per Annexure to this Form duly certified by a Practicing Cost Accountant/Chartered Accountant.
Please furnish number of persons employed/to be employed, grade-wise and their average monthly emoluments including contribution on account of Provident Fund etc..
(20) Please furnish the total amount of expenses under each of the element of other conversion costs viz. stores, factory and administration overheads and depreciation and the basis adopted for allocation to the product in question.
(21) If this item is manufactured/to be manufactured in a multi-product plant, the method adopted for allocations to individual drugs for common expenses viz. Process hours, equipment hours etc, may be furnished.
22. Please also furnish the following :-
(a) The types of packing materials used and their average rates;
(b) Basis and calculations of profit margin;
(c) Photocopies of invoices of raw materials having substantial consumption and also for power, fuel oil etc.;
(d) Details of the fixed assets, method of depreciation, rate of depreciation alongwith working capital required for the product;
(e) A copy each of audited Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account for the last three years and in the case of a company copies of the latest Cost Audit Report and annual Report.
Notes :
(1) Any hold up affecting production to be shown clearly against Serial No.8
(2) In case the same plant facilities are used for production of more than one product, the information as per serial No.6 may be given product-wise
(See Item No. 18 of the Form I of the First Schedule)
II (a) Production in Tones/Kgs./Litres etc
(b) Sales in Tones/Kgs./Litres etc
(c) Dispatches in Tones/Kgs./Litres etc.
III Details of Cost :-
(b) Cost Data:
Sl.No | Particulars | Norms of Consumption Guaranteed by know how supplier or as per Standards developed | Unit | Actual Consumption (Per kg/lit etc. of the product) | ||
Quantity | Rate/Unit (Rs.) | Amount (Rs.) | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
(a) Imported
3. etc.
(b) Indigenous
3 etc.
Total raw material cost :
Less Recoveries of Solvents :
Net Raw Materials Cost :
2. Utilities :-
(a) Power
(b) Water
(c) Fuel (Oil/Coal)
(d) Other (To be specified)
Total Utilities Cost.
3.Conversion Cost :-
(a) Salaries and wages
(b) Operating supplies or consumable stores
(c) Repairs and Maintenance
(d) Quality Assurance
(e) Effluent treatment
(f) Other factory overheads
(g) Administration overheads
(h) Research and Development expenses
(i) Depreciation
Total Conversion Cost
4. Cost of production (1+2+3)
5. Interest on borrowings
6. Minimum Bonus
7. Total (4+5+6).
8. Packing :-
(b) Other expenses
Total Packing Cost.
9. Selling Expenses
10. Transport Charges
11. Transit Insurance Charges
12. Non - Recoverable Taxes.
(Please specify and submit details
along with supporting documents.)
13. Total cost of sales
14. Profit Margin.
(Basis of calculations be submitted)
15. Selling Price (13+14)
16. Price notified by the Government, if any.
(Please give No. and date of Notification)
17. Actual sale price or Notional price, if used captively.
1. Items of expenses to be excluded from costs :
(a) Bonus in excess of statutory minimum
(b) Bad debts and Provisions
(c) Donations and Charities
(d) Loss/Gain on sale of assets
(e) Brokerage and commission
(f) Expenses not recognised by
Income Tax authorities
(Salary, perquisites, advertisements etc.)
(g) Adjustments relating to previous years.
2. In the case of imported raw materials, please furnish separately the c.i.f. price, duty of customs and other charges totaling to the landed cost adopted against S. No. 1(a).
3. Cost of intermediates manufactured for captive use should be on the basis of factory cost of production inclusive of administration overheads and shown separately against S.No. 1(b). a separate cost-sheet in the same proforma may please be appended.
4. Cost of generated utilities like power, steam etc. should be separately given furnishing the details of purchased utilities consumed, rate and cost with other expenses incurred on generation with reference to S.No. 2.
5. Details in respect of factory overheads, administration overheads and selling expenses should be furnished against S.No. 3(d). 3(e) and 8.
6. The basis of depreciation adopted in your financial accounts may please be given against S.No. 3(f).
Please indicate clearly whether the existing price is notified by the Government or notional price against S.No. 16 and 17.
The information furnished above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Authorised Signatory:
Place: Name:
Date: Designation: