

Hindustan Antibiotics Limited

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Hindustan Antibiotics Limited (H A L)
1.Name of the companyHindustan Antibiotics Limited
2.Date of incorporation 10th March 1954
3.Registered & Corporate office Pimpri, Pune - 411 018
4.Telephone, Fax 020-776511-13/776521-24/772326, 020-7723275.
E-Mail[email protected]
Hindustan Antibiotics Limited (HAL), Pimpri, Pune, is the first public sector undertaking in the Drugs & Pharmaccutical Sector. The plant was commissioned in 1955-56. The undertaking with its plant at Pimpri, Pune is engaged in the manufacture of bulk drugs, mainly Penicillins, Streptomycin and a number of formulations.

HAL has also four joint sector undertakings of which three units have been promoted in collaboration with the respective State Governments and one with a private sector company. These are:
  1. Maharashtra Antibiotics & Pharmaccuticals Limited (MAPL)
  2. Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Limited (KAPL)
  3. Manipur State Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited  (MSDPL)
  4. Hindustan MAX-GB, Pimpri,Pune (HM-GB)
Contact persons in H A L  are the following:

Head Office:
Hindustan Antibiotics Limited,
   Pimpri, Pune - 411 018, India
   Tel  : +91-20-776511
   Fax : +91-20-772327
   Email  : [email protected]

Chief Executive's Office:
  Mr. M.C. Abraham
  Managing Director
  Tel : 773205 (Off), 777410 (Res)

New Delhi Liaison Office:
  First Floor, Core No. 6,
  Scope Complex,Lodhi Road,
  New Delhi - 110 003
  Tel : 011-436 4919
  Fax   : 011-436 2402

Departmental Heads at Pune factory
Operations: (materials, Production & Export)
Mr. J.K. Dattagupta
Chief GM (Operations)
Tel  : 773768 (Off), 773629 (Res)

National Marketing (Health Care)
Mr. J.P. Lazarus
General Manager
Tel   :  773712 (Off), 773126 (Res)
Email : [email protected]

National Marketing (Agrovet)
   Mr. S.L. Phadke
   Dy. General Manager
   Tel   : 772331
   Email : [email protected]