Amrita Surendranath's Profile

B.Sc, M.Sc.

Amrita Surendranath

Amrita has a masters in Human Genetics from Sri Ramachandra medical College and is hooked onto everything even remotely associated with genes. She loves every aspect of writing, the research, planning and actually weaving all the thoughts together. If she's not writing, she's busy being an avid view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

UK Government Allocates Over One Billion Sterling Pounds to Eradicate Malaria

UK Government Allocates Over One Billion Sterling Pounds to Eradicate Malaria

Malaria turns out to be a global menace affecting 1 billion people every year with 500,000 children dying due to the disease.

Health In Focus
Geographic Tongue / Geographic Stomatitis

Geographic Tongue / Geographic Stomatitis

Geographic tongue is a harmless condition and the tongue develops a “map-like” or a “geographic” appearance with red and smooth patches on its surface.

Disease & Condition
Hypogonadism / Gonad Deficiency

Hypogonadism / Gonad Deficiency

Hypogonadism occurs when the gonads or the sex glands produce little or no sex hormones. Hypogonadism affects the sexual maturity of an individual.

Disease & Condition