Anjali Aryamvally's Profile
B.Tech (Genetic Engineering)

Anjali is an undergraduate in Genetic Engineering from SRM University, Chennai. She is passionate about bringing changes in healthcare through a combination of genetics and social work. Anjali is an avid reader who enjoys writing. Her hobbies include gardening and traveling.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Hope for Parkinson’s Cure Rises as Stem Cell Therapy Restores Dopamine
Stem cell therapy using induced pluripotent stem cells is effective in restoring dopamine in monkeys with parkinsonism.

Your Walking Pace May Now Predict Your Risk For Heart Disease
Scientists have established slower walking speed as a new tool to measure risk of cardiovascular mortality or heart disease.

Supreme Court Verdict Says, Decision to Deny Prolonged Treatment a Part of Right to Privacy Under the Constitution
Supreme Court endorses the right to privacy under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution in a verdict against the government’s move for mandatory Aadhaar card.

Near Relative’s Category in the Transplantation of Human Organs Law Likely to be Expanded
The government is considering increasing live organ donations by including more family members like uncles, aunties, in-laws and cousin in the near relative’s category who can donate

Synthetic Anti-freeze Protein Hails a New Chapter to Help with Organ Transplantation
Scientists at Warwick University have developed synthetic antifreeze proteins that mimic the natural ones.