Anjanee Sharma's Profile


Anjanee Sharma

A highly dedicated, empathetic and hardworking individual, aspiring to become a Clinical Psychologist. Currently holds an undergrad degree in Psychology, aims to remove the stigma around mental health and provide help to those who don't have access to it.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Coffee Before Exercise Helps Burn Fat

Coffee Before Exercise Helps Burn Fat

Drinking strong coffee half an hour before exercising can increase fat-burning. Caffeine effects are more marked when exercise is done in the afternoon.

Health In Focus
Ultra-Processed Foods Increase Heart Disease Risk

Ultra-Processed Foods Increase Heart Disease Risk

Researchers find link between ultra-processed food consumption and increased risk of heart disease and death

Diet & Nutrition News
Women Experience Workplace Differences After MeToo Movement

Women Experience Workplace Differences After MeToo Movement

Women report that interactions with males were different post the #MeToo movement.

Women Health News
Amygdala Activity Linked to Daily Mood and Well-being

Amygdala Activity Linked to Daily Mood and Well-being

Prolonged amygdala activity influences a person’s daily mood and well-being.

Mental Health News
Mental Illness Increases Death Risk After Heart Attack

Mental Illness Increases Death Risk After Heart Attack

Study links severe mental illness to higher death rate after heart attack.

Mental Health News