Colleen Fleiss's Profile
Colleen is a well-versed medical writer, who has written on various medical topics. She writes under her pen name contributing news to Medindia.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
World First Aid Day 2022: ‘Lifelong First Aid’
The World First Aid Day is celebrated to raise awareness of the value of first aid and demonstrate its significance.
World Suicide Prevention Day 2022- “Creating Hope Through Action”
What is world suicide prevention day? It is observed on 10th September every year to give a common message that suicide can be prevented through various channels.
National Nutrition Week 2022: Celebrating a World of Flavors
National Nutrition Week 2022 is celebrated in the first week of September to raise awareness about the need for adequate nutrition and healthy eating habits.
Debunking 5 Common Myths About Hypertension
Are you confused about hypertension-related things? Start learning about the facts behind common high blood pressure misconceptions.
Organ Donation Week 2022 – ‘Take the Pledge to Save Lives’
Can World Organ Donation week 2022 help save many lives? Every year from 7th to 13th August awareness about organ donation awareness is conducted and also burst unnecessary myths.