Dr. Haleema Yezdani's Profile

Dr. Haleema has specialized in critical care medicine. She believes in achieving perfection in whatever she does. Dr. Haleema has graduated from Al Ameen Medical College, Bijapur Karnataka and did her fellowship in critical care from Apollo Hospital, Bengaluru. She is currently pursuing her view more..
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Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a dangerous complication of uncontrolled diabetes which manifests with ketones in urine along with acidosis, requires early diagnosis.

ICU Delirium
ICU delirium is the most dreaded and least diagnosed complication of an illness which requires treatment in the critical care unit.

Calcinosis is a condition that manifests as calcium deposits in the skin and other tissues of the body. Common causes include trauma, acne, varicose veins.

Pediatric Hypertension
Pediatric hypertension or high blood pressure in children is usually caused by secondary reasons which need to be investigated and treated.

Increasing Teenage Obesity Rates – Causes and Effects
Obesity, especially early onset during childhood or in the teens has remained the same – increased morbidity and decreased life expectancy.