Dr. Hena Mariam's Profile

Dr. Hena Mariam has completed her bachelors of dental surgery and is currently practicing in a well-established dental practice. She is passionate about healthcare and making a difference in people's lives. Her hobbies include traveling, films, and exploring different cuisines.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Radiotherapy: A Painless Ray of Hope for Prostate Cancer Patients
Prostate cancer can be fought with radiotherapy, which is painless and non-invasive radiation therapy.

Latent HIV Found Seeking Refuge in the Brain
A recent study shows that HIV can go latent in the brain, and stopping therapy can restart the development of infection to AIDS.

Multiple Sclerosis: A Pregnancy Hormone Holds Potential for Treatment
A recent animal study has shown how estriol, a pregnancy hormone may reverse the damage in the brain due to multiple sclerosis.

Silver and Glass: A Killer Combination for Chronic Wound Healing
Bioactive glass can help silver retain its antibacterial activity for longer, helping heal chronic wounds.

Health Facts on Learning Disabilities
Children with learning disabilities can succeed in school and future careers if the learning disability testing and diagnosis is done on time. Here are some of the facts and statistics on learning disabilities.