Dr. M. Sree Mohana Preetha's Profile
Doctor of Pharmacy
Dr. Preetha holds a Doctorate Degree in Pharma from Tamilnadu Dr. MGR University, Chennai. She has published an article about Migraine. Currently working on Drug section, Health quiz and Health Articles.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
15 Surprising Facts About Processed Foods
Did you know that eating processed foods makes it more difficult to burn calories? Here are some scary facts about processed foods
15 Unknown Facts About Diabetes
Diabetes is the leading cause of death in the world. Here are some interesting facts about diabetes
Interesting Facts About Breast Cancer
Did you know that breast cancer is the most common type of cancer for women? Here are some facts about Breast cancer
Interesting Facts About Brain Tumors
Brain tumors are the 10th leading cause of death for men and women. Here are some interesting facts on brain tumors that you need to know.
Skull Fractures
Skull Fracture is an injury that causes a break in the outer layer of skull bones. Symptoms of skull fractures include symptoms caused due to fracture itself, and injury to vessels, nerves and brain.