Dr. Nithin Jayan's Profile
Dr. Nithin Jayan has an MBBS degree and is currently pursuing an MD in Anaesthesia from Lake Shore Hospital, Kochi. He is an aspiring writer, singer and an active blogger. He reviews and edits articles and also contributes special and in-depth reports on a variety of health topics.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Fish: The Best and The Worst
Some fish are contaminated with high levels of methyl mercury. Methyl mercury is a neurotoxin, which affects the pregnant or lactating mother’s child’s brain.
Pre and Post Exercise Nutrition
Exercise is a need to eat better and perform better. Nourishing the body with wholesome food will make it grow stronger and fitter. Here’s a complete guide to pre and post-exercise nutrition.
Foods to Help You Lose Weight
Fad diet, tried them all but did not get the expected results? Here’s why. Developing healthier eating habits will not only help you lose weight, but help you ward off inflammation.
Pick The Right Cheese
Cheese is a good source of calcium and protein. A small cube of it can be an apt high protein snack option.
Health Benefits of Rosemary Herb
Rosemary is a popular herb with aromatic leaves used in seasoning of foods and also in aromatherapy, and has numerous health benefits.