Dr. Pavithra's Profile


Dr. Pavithra

Dr. Pavithra has completed her bachelor's in Dental Surgery. She believes that, right information provided to the people at the right time is the key to tackle the challenges in modern healthcare. Her zeal for writing in the platform of Medindia stemmed from the passion to bridge the gap between view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Abdominal Pain in Women

Abdominal Pain in Women

Women''s abdominal pain, ranging from muscular strain to pregnancy-related discomfort, requires tailored attention for optimal well-being.

Disease & Condition
Abdominal/Stomach Pain in Children

Abdominal/Stomach Pain in Children

Abdominal pain in children is common, often resolving without treatment. Causes include infections, bowel issues, and more.

Can Hearing Aids Reduce Mortality Risk?

Can Hearing Aids Reduce Mortality Risk?

Discover how hearing aids may reduce mortality risk by 24% among adults with hearing loss, according to a comprehensive study by Keck Medicine of USC.

Health Watch
Muscle Atrophy Exercises to Build Atrophied Muscles

Muscle Atrophy Exercises to Build Atrophied Muscles

Navigate the journey of reversing muscle atrophy with professional guidance, diverse exercise routines, and targeted stretches, emphasizing safety and gradual progression for optimal results.

Disease & Condition
A Tomato a Day can Keep Your Blood Pressure at Bay

A Tomato a Day can Keep Your Blood Pressure at Bay

Eating tomatoes daily may reduce hypertension risk by 36%, offering a flavorful path to heart health.

Lifestyle and Wellness