Dr. Pavithra's Profile
Dr. Pavithra has completed her bachelor's in Dental Surgery. She believes that, right information provided to the people at the right time is the key to tackle the challenges in modern healthcare. Her zeal for writing in the platform of Medindia stemmed from the passion to bridge the gap between view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Cottage Cheese: How to Choose the Right Cottage Cheese and Ways to Consume It
Cottage cheese is a low-fat, high-protein superfood rich in calcium and probiotics, supporting weight loss, gut health, and strong bones.
Stay Warm and Healthy With Peanuts This Winter
Explore the nutritional benefits of peanuts, the perfect winter snack for warmth, energy, and health.
Stress and Mental Health in Pregnancy Reflect in Saliva Microbes
Research shows maternal mental health affects oral microbiome diversity. Stress, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms can alter microbial patterns, affecting both mother and child.
Benefits of a Bland Diet for Digestive Health and Symptom Relief
A bland diet helps alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort, supports recovery post-surgery, and protects the digestive system during acute distress.
Benefits of Foot Massage: Better Sleep to Pain Relief
Ayurvedic practice of foot massage with natural oils can improve sleep, boost circulation, and relieve stress for better health.