Gayathri Raghul's Profile
B.E (Bio-medical Engineering)

Gayathri Raghul, is a Biomedical Engineering graduate from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. She is responsible for the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) section and writing articles for Medindia
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Top Ten Facts About Silent Killer Diseases
The 21st century is home to a number of diseases that do not show any symptoms yet have the potential to be fatal. Here are top facts on silent killer diseases.

Top 15 Cell Phone Safety Facts
Number of cell phones will exceed this year. EMR from cell phone can damage your health irreversibly, our tips can keep you safe to some extent.

Top Facts on Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a severe, chronic mental disorder that is associated with dopamine imbalance in the brain. It requires lifelong treatment. Here are some interesting facts on schizophrenia.

Top 10 Facts on Zika Virus
Zika virus spreads through the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito. It causes fever and a birth defect known as microcephaly. Here are top ten facts of Zika virus.

Top 10 Facts on Stroke
Strokes occur when the blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off. It is imperative to detect the signs of a stroke and rush the patient to the hospital at once. Here are some interesting facts on stroke.