Krishna Bora's Profile
B.Sc. (Microbiology)
Krishna is a student of Microbiology; apart from learning the subject, she has deep interest in sciences. She is aspiring to become a good citizen of the country and a successful researcher in life.
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Coriander, generally used for garnishing food items across the world has a high nutritive value. Its medicinal properties have been well known since ancient times.

Papaya, is not only nutritious; it has numerous medicinal benefits as well. The leaves, seeds and the milk of the papaya tree are used to cure intestinal problems. Read more to find out the amazing health benefits of papaya.

Raw Food Diet
Raw food diet, made of uncooked and unprocessed food, is gaining popularity in the world of health, fitness and weight loss. However, with its drawbacks, it cannot be considered as a wholesome diet. Learn more about the raw food diet in this article.

Health Benefits of Almond Oil
Almond oil promotes heart health, stabilizes blood sugar levels, helps you maintain healthy body weight, and protects your skin from sun damage. Here’s complete information on almond oil, their types, their nutritional value and their health benefits.

Know Chocolates Better
Chocolates are healthy. Here are the most important things you have to know about chocolates - its history, types, health benefits of eating different kinds of chocolates and why people love chocolates. It’s all here.