Madhumathi Palaniappan's Profile

Madhu, an alumni of Madras Medical College writes on drugs and handles the drug section on Medindia. Her long term dream and desire is to become an entrepreneur in the Pharma field.
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In Tonsillitis the tonsils are inflamed and swollen and it usually occurs due to bacterial or viral infection.

Check for Drug Interactions
Check for Drug to Drug interaction for two or more drugs. Check both over the counter ( OTC) and regular prescription drugs interactions. Interactions can cause any unexpected health problems that can be harmful but generally not dangerous to you.

Drug Side Effects Calculator
Drug side effects calculator allows you to check the side effect of any drug and alerts you if you need to take any precautions. Use it before you start a new drug. Consult your healthcare professional or Pharmacist if you have any doubts.

Diseases Related to Old Age
Ageing is referred to the accumulation of changes that brings a person closer to death.

Can a Creased Ear Lobe Predict the Risk of Stroke?
Stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is cut off. Diagonal creased ear lobes could predict the risk of stroke, reveals new study.