Sheela Philomena's Profile
A postgraduate in Bio-informatics with long teaching experience, works for news section, writes and edits articles for Medindia.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Super foods that Fight Cancer
A plateful of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes is the best diet to fight most types of cancer. Avoid meat and saturated fats.
Masks for Clearing Blemishes
Even after pimples have stopped erupting the marks can negate a clear complexion. These remedies can help regain a clear skin.
Facial Hair Removal and Bleaching
Let’s face facts - Facial hair is very unbecoming on attractive women - young or old, so why not use some simple and safe methods to get rid of this.
Remove Warts the Painless Way
Warts are small raised growth, usually non-cancerous. Warts look ugly, it is best to remove them at home, without scars.
Dark Underarms
Dark Underarms is a phenomenon most women undergo – following some simple tips can resolve this issue.