Sheela Philomena's Profile

A postgraduate in Bio-informatics with long teaching experience, works for news section, writes and edits articles for Medindia.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

COVID toes or the COVID rashes are reported in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Painful and itching rashes, blisters or patches appear on the toes.

Traveler´s Diarrhea
Traveler’s diarrhea is a digestive disorder transmitted through contaminated food and water which causes loose stools and abdominal cramps.

Porphyria or vampire disease or is a group of inherited diseases that cause symptoms of the nervous system and/or skin. Treatment depends on the type of porphyria.

Are Menopause Symptoms Troubling You?: Try these Options
Menopause symptoms ignited during the cessation of the menstrual cycle can affect the quality of life. Menopause symptoms can be treated with hormonal and non-hormonal remedies.

Test Your Knowledge on Monkeypox
What is monkeypox zoonotic viral disease? Take monkeypox quiz to check your knowledge about this infectious viral disease.