Sudha Bhat's Profile
M.Pharm, R.Ph (US)
She has experience working in drug regulatory affairs working closely with US FDA and dealing with pertinent product literature and approval of new products to be marketed.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay in toddlers, children and adults, also called dental caries, is a bacterial infection causing demineralization and destruction of the hard tissues of the teeth.
Chelation Therapy
The process of removing heavy metals from the body is known as Chelation Therapy. Learn more about the medical procedure of chelation therapy.
Lifestyle Factors that Improve Fertility
Couples facing difficulty in getting pregnant could benefit from lifestyle changes. Serious medical factors might be beyond control, but lifestyle factors are choices, affecting fertility.
Eggs - The Good and The Bad
The controversy about the goodness of eggs has finally settled down, so eat one egg a day with no health issues.
Ambiguous Genitalia
Find the facts of ambiguous genitalia including symptoms, causes, treatment, diagnosis and more information.