Sudha Bhat's Profile
M.Pharm, R.Ph (US)

She has experience working in drug regulatory affairs working closely with US FDA and dealing with pertinent product literature and approval of new products to be marketed.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

What is the Link Between Dietary Magnesium and Hypertension in Mexicans?
Magnesium is an essential mineral for many metabolic functions in our body. Could there be a relationship between this and hypertension? A recent study tells us more.

Phylogica Peptide Fusion Kills Aggressive Breast Cancer Cells
Breakthrough in peptide research shows that Phylogica’s peptide fusions kills aggressive, drug resistant breast cancer cells.

Understanding Proteins Involved in Fertility Could Help Boost IVF Success
Scientists are examining the role of proteins that are responsible for successfully implanting the embryo; which helps boost the IVF success rate.

Impact of a Weight-Loss Diet With Flaxseed on Men
Flaxseed is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, but could it have any effect on nutritional and inflammatory markers? Read more to find out.

Health Benefits of Cucumber
The health benefits of cucumber are understated but plentiful. Find out how adding cucumber to your daily diet can go such a long way to helping you get healthy.