Surangama Guha's Profile

MA (Sociology), MA (Media and Communications)

Surangama Guha

Surangama hails from Kolkata, and has worked as a full time lecturer of Sociology in Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Government College, Kolkata, for two years, before moving to Chennai. She has been freelancing for various national newspapers and online news portals for over five years. She is an avid view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

 Early Use of Abiraterone in Hormone-Sensitive Advanced Prostate Cancer Recommended

Early Use of Abiraterone in Hormone-Sensitive Advanced Prostate Cancer Recommended

Abiraterone with prednisolone may soon be used earlier in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer along with androgen-deprivation therapy.

Health In Focus
World Environment Day 2017

World Environment Day 2017

The World Environment Day is celebrated annually on 5th June. This year the theme is ‘Connecting People to Nature’ I’m #WithNature.

Health Watch
International Cancer Survivors Day : Conquer Cancer

International Cancer Survivors Day : Conquer Cancer

International Cancer Survival Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in June annually. It celebrates cancer survival, and offers hope to several others affected.

Health Watch
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression 2017

International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression 2017

Globally, millions of children become victims of abuse and violations. The International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression aims to protect the rights of children.

Health Watch
Now Antioxidant Methylene Blue can Give You Youthful Skin

Now Antioxidant Methylene Blue can Give You Youthful Skin

An antioxidant called methylene blue reduced the signs of aging in older skin cells and even in progeria skin cells. This could be the secret to remaining youthful.

Health In Focus