Black Water: Benefits and Uses

Black Water: Benefits and Uses

Water is the elixir of life and it constitutes about 70% of the human body. It is involved in crucial functions of the body like eliminating toxins, maintaining blood pressure, lubricating joints, and other biochemical functions.

Water is found in bodily fluids like blood, digestive fluids, cerebrospinal fluid, lymph, and saliva. Hydration is achieved with adequate water intake, while Dehydration can impair the performance, and alter metabolic and neurological functions. Water contains inorganic salts in general, but the higher the concentration of salt, the more alkaline the water is(1Alkaline Water Miracle Beverage

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What is Black Alkaline Water?

Black water or alkaline black water contains minerals such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium. Alkaline water pH is elevated and ranges between 8 and 9. Studies have been conducted to understand the benefits of drinking black water(2Is Alkaline Water Good?

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). Alkaline water has been effective in treating chronic diarrhea, digestive problems like hyperacidity, indigestion, and abnormal intestinal fermentation, bone and heart health, and diabetes.

Alkaline electrolyzed water apparatus is being used as a medical device due to its functional properties on health and well-being.

Evocus black water is the first seller of black alkaline water in India. This alkaline drink has a pH of 8 and above, and is infused with several essential minerals, and has no added sugars or caffeine(3Black Alkaline Drink

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The benefits and side effects reported from the consumption of alkaline water will be discussed in detail in this space.


What are the Benefits of Black Water?

Benefits of black alkaline water have been studied and reported by several researchers. Some of the benefits are reported from animal studies and very few human studies are hydration, detoxification, anti-aging properties, improving bone and digestive health, and many more.

Benefits of Drinking Black Water
  • Alkaline black water can reduce blood viscosity following exercise-induced dehydration. A study evaluated the effect of black alkaline or the high pH water and standard water on blood viscosity and rehydration. It was found that black water significantly reduced the blood viscosity during the recovery phase after exercise but no difference was found for rehydration.
  • Black water prevents aging and increases life span. An animal study found that alkaline water helps in improving longevity by slowing down the aging factor and increasing survival functions.
  • Drinking alkaline water can be beneficial for people with diabetes by reducing HbA1c and blood glucose levels. Alkaline water also exhibits antioxidant properties against pancreatic beta cells thereby proving beneficial in diabetes. The antioxidants present may also portray neuroprotective effects.
  • Prevention of gastric acid secretion, gall bladder emptying, and removing toxins from the body have also been reported with alkaline water intake.
  • Black water being alkaline helps in managing acid reflux by reducing the activity of enzymes responsible for acid reflux. A study revealed that alkaline water (Evamor natural artesian water, pH 8.8) denatured human pepsin rapidly and permanently. It also exhibits effective buffering activity.
  • Consuming alkaline water has been revealed to be heart healthy as it may be linked with reduced risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD). The presence of high mineral content or the total dissolved solids (TDC) in alkaline water may be beneficial in reducing the incidence of cancer and bringing down the total mortality rate.
  • Black water may be beneficial to bone health. It helps in curtailing bone loss thereby proving instrumental in osteoporosis. It may also aid in augmenting metabolism(2Is Alkaline Water Good?

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  • Ingesting alkaline water also portrays beneficial effects on exercise in healthy individuals.
  • Better sleep after consuming alkaline water may help in improving endurance recovery, prevent fatigue, and improve sports performance.

Although several health benefits have been reported, more human trials are required for conclusive results.


What are the Disadvantages of Black Water?

Though studies have shown several benefits of drinking alkaline water, there are also side effects that cannot be ignored.

Side Effects of Black Water

Side effects of this drink include confusion, nausea, vomiting, and altered pH levels (alkalosis). Some reports suggest that side effects might be due to increased consumption(2Is Alkaline Water Good?

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Black water intake in rats showed that it can lead to the death of cardiac cells and retard growth. There is also research claiming that it is unlikely that black water intake can bring about changes in the blood pH but may cause changes in the urinary pH.

The public is flooded with promoters claiming that shifting to alkaline-based food choices, supplements, and alkalized water will impart health benefits such as preventing cancer, heart diseases, and osteoporosis. But there is a lack of credible clinical research to support the same.

Bottom Line

Drinking water to stay well-hydrated is vital to keep the bodily functions of water in check. Health benefits and side effects of black water consumption have been reported by researchers. Studies have reported instrumental effects on health with alkaline water consumption but due to the shortfall of reliable human studies on black alkaline water, it is advisable to consult a specialist before consumption.

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