Health Benefits of Eggs

Top Ten Incredible Benefits of Eggs


Eggs are considered to be the most nutritious and inexpensive food available. They are a powerhouse of nutrition, packed with proteins, essential vitamins and minerals. Eggs are available throughout the year and are a relatively cheap source of nutritious food. A single egg adds only 80 calories to your daily calorie requirement and just about five grams of fat. They are a staple breakfast food throughout the world.

Both the parts of egg i.e. white and yolk are rich in nutrients. The egg yolk also contains cholesterol, fat soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids. The cholesterol in eggs amounts to 212 mg. If your cholesterol levels are high you can always opt for the white of the egg only and still enjoy its nutritional value.

Eggs can be boiled, poached, scrambled or fried. Apart from these we can also use eggs in various kinds of desserts or savory dishes such as quiche.

Nutrients in the Egg

Egg contains a number of nutrients. The egg is covered with a hard shell and the raw egg contains egg white and yolk.

Egg white contains the major portion of egg's protein. It is low in calorie and fat-free food. Apart from protein, it also contains sodium, folate, selenium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

Egg yolk contains cholesterol which is the saturated fat portion of the egg. It also contains fat-soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids and other nutrients.


Health Benefits of Eggs

If you are an egg lover then it’s time to rejoice because you should include eggs in your diet for following reasons:

  • Low in Calories; High in Nutrition: One egg contains just 80 calories, which is less than a bar of chocolate.
  • Great Source of Essential Amino Acids : Eggs are the great source of protein because they have all the essential amino acids required for healthy body functions. Eggs contribute the highest quality protein of all foods. The protein present in the egg is also easily digestible.
  • Rich Source of Vitamins & Minerals: Egg is considered as the most nutritious food on the planet. The following nutrients are present in a single large boiled egg:

Apart from the above nutrients eggs also contain decent amounts of Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Calcium and Zinc. Some amounts of trace elements are also present in eggs which play a significant role in our health.

  • Protection of Eyes: Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two important phytochemicals and that have antioxidant properties. These two antioxidants protect the eyes from damage associated with UV exposure. They cut down the risk of developing cataracts in old age.
Regular Intake of Boiled Eggs Can Reduce the Risk of Cataract
  • Development of Brain: Egg yolks contain choline, an important ingredient which helps in brain development. It is also essential for other metabolic processes, such as liver and heart. Choline plays a crucial role in the normal functioning of all cells in the body and secures the structural development and signaling functions of cell membranes.
  • Development of Memory Function in Infants: When consumed during pregnancy, the choline helps to improve the memory function in infants.
  • Cholesterol Profile: Though eggs contain cholesterol, people should not worry about it. The cholesterol present in egg does not affect the blood cholesterol levels too much. Cholesterol levels in the body are primarily influenced by the saturated and trans fat we consume. Studies have reported that cholesterol present in foods has very small impact on LDL (bad) cholesterol, hence does not increase the risk for heart disease. It is suggested to consume up to 6 eggs per week. An individual can consume 1 egg during most days of the week or can 2 eggs in 2 or 3 meals a week.
  • Weight Loss: Eggs are nutritious and contain the highest quality proteins. One egg contributes more than 6 gms of protein, which is equivalent to the 13% of recommended Daily Value. Protein present in egg helps to build muscles and allows feeling full for longer duration and staying energized. This helps to maintain a healthy weight. According to the studies, consuming eggs for breakfast has proven to lower hunger and cut down calorie consumption at lunch and throughout the day. The egg-protein does not surge in blood sugar or insulin levels and therefore, it provides the energy to be steady and sustained. This protein is beneficial for building muscle strength in children and adults whereas, it prevents age-related muscle loss in elders.
One Egg Everyday Prevents Age Related Muscle Loss In Elders
  • Good for Skin: Eggs contain vitamin A, biotin and selenium which help to provide a comprehensive protection package to skin. Skin conditions are repaired and improved with the help of vitamin A present in the eggs. Selenium works as a first line defense to protect the skin against oxidative damage.
  • Antioxidant in Eggs: Eggs contain various antioxidants including vitamin A, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Antioxidants neutralize the free radicals that from due to cellular metabolism and are responsible cancer and heart disease.

Storing and Keeping of Eggs

Egg shells are porous in nature. If the eggs are stored in the refrigerator, it is possible that they can take the smell of other foods. Hence, it is recommended to keep the eggs in their own carton. Avoid storing eggs for long durations.

Avoid storing eggs for long durations

Tips for Consuming Eggs

  • Boiled eggs are the healthiest option for eating eggs. Apart from boiling, you can scramble, fry or poach eggs for a quick nutritious snack.
  • Eggs are good lunchbox option for adults and children.
  • Many sweet and savory dishes can be prepared using eggs.

Latest Publications and Research on Top Ten Incredible Benefits of Eggs
