
Dr. K. Ramachandra Reddy, General Medicine Doctor / Internal Medicine Doctor

Dr. K. Ramachandra Reddy is a General Medicine Doctor / Internal Medicine Doctor practicing in Hyderabad, specializing in the field of General Medicine / Internal Medicine.

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Purpose of Displayed Information:
This information is intended to help your patients find you easily and book appointments. It is publicly accessible and does not infringe on your privacy.

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Dr. K. Ramachandra Reddy

6-b Sampathji Apartments, 6-3-855/10-a,
Ameerpet, ,
Hyderabad - 500016

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Are you Dr. K. Ramachandra Reddy?

Have you registered with the National Health Authority (NHA)? If not, Medindia can assist you with the process.

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Benefits of Medindia's Premium Membership:

Medindia will assist you in registering with the National Healthcare Providers Registry, promoted by the National Health Authority.

Create, Edit and Manage - Medindia Homepage:

Homepage provides basic information of physicians such as Full Name, Specialty, Qualification, and a Profile Picture.

Advantages of getting registered with National Health Authority:

  1. Unique and Trustable Identity:

    Provides a unique Healthcare Professional ID, establishing trust and connecting with all healthcare ecosystem stakeholders.

  2. Online Presence and Discoverability:

    Increases visibility within the healthcare ecosystem, enhancing business opportunities and helping healthcare facilities be listed on a national platform.

  3. Teleconsultation:

    Verified healthcare professionals can offer remote treatment through teleconsultation and access digital health records for patient care.

  4. Unified Digital Services:

    Offers several online services, including:

    • License renewal
    • Obtaining no-objection certificates
    • Digital signatures
    • Access to clinical decision support systems, telemedicine, digital health records, HMIS solutions
    • Issuing medical certificates
    • Participating in Healthcare Workforce Mobility
    • Downloading Digital Certificates

Medindia Appointment Scheduler:

Schedules, changes or blocks appointments for both Teleconsultation and Physical in-person patient consultations. Added to this there are automatic email and SMS reminders.

Teleconsultation Dashboard:

  • Allows for full secure text, chat, audio / video communication with patients via a web browser or using a mobile phone.
  • Patients' notes, E-prescriptions and follow up
  • Online payment processing and payment via bank transfer or credit card
  • Automatic SMS and email reminders

Electronic Health Records (EHR):

Basic EHR of all practice patients for quick reference.

Latest Journal Articles:

Medindia provides the latest medical research and developments from top medical journals in the chosen specialty of the medical professional.

Conferences (Medindia):

Information about the forthcoming medical conferences in the chosen specialty of the medical professional.

Author or Edit Health Articles:

Medindia allows contribution to the website as an author or an editor. All articles are linked to the home page of the medical professionals.
