Medindia's Healthcare Directory provides contact information for 470582 doctors in India, making it the best available resource on the web to help you locate the right doctor for your health needs.
Medindia is the largest healthcare website, offering access to a network of well-qualified and experienced doctors from across the country.
Our search feature allows you to find the best doctor in your city or state, or the one nearest to your area using the pin-code. You can make an appointment either directly or through Medindia's premium listed doctors. Some of these doctors, who have a verified virtual clinic with Medindia, also have patient's feedback available.
Are you looking for a specific doctor for consultation?
Our doctors' directory offers a searchable database of clinicians with their contact information, so you can find the right one for your requirements. Use our directory and easily search the doctors by name, speciality, city or pin code.
If you are not sure where to start, read our article on tips to find the right doctor for your condition.
Booking an appointment with our own verified doctors is easy. Through our doctor's virtual clinic we help you avail the best medical care in India. The doctors can be categorized on the basis of their specialization. The physicians in India hold a crucial position among all the other professionals. If you are looking for the best doctor in your city, Medindia provides you with a list of doctors from popular hospitals, nursing homes and private clinics in India.Top Doctor Specialists in India
Patients can avail online teleconsultation from Medindia's premium listed doctors by specialty.
Search for the most qualified doctors who can treat your health condition or disease. Our listed doctors are verified and have subscribed to Medindia's virtual clinic, ensuring you receive high-quality and satisfactory consultations.