Cosmetic Surgery Specialist and Plastic Surgery Specialist
Medindia's Healthcare Directory has information on 2694 Cosmetic Surgery Specialist/Plastic Surgery Specialist from India. A Cosmetic Surgeon specializes in plastic surgery so as to change the physical appearance of a person.
The information displayed is to help you locate the Cosmetic Surgeon nearest to where you live. The listed information includes contact details like address, phone numbers, emails, contact person and directions to the hospital or clinic. Certain information is not displayed in view of privacy issues but is available only if you are the patient of the doctor or seek an appointment with them.
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A Cosmetic surgery specialist can be any doctor who has a certificate in doing a certain procedure. For example, A cosmetic dentist can help in realignment and reshaping of crooked teeth. The goal of a cosmetic surgeon is to improve a person’s appearance through surgical and medical techniques.
A plastic surgeon has a M.Ch (Master of Surgery) degree or a board certified specialist (USA) practicing plastic surgery. The goal of a plastic surgeon is to reconstruct body parts to function normally. Whereas a cosmetic surgeon deals with reshaping body parts to improve the overall appearance.
A plastic surgeon is a specialist who has mastered the art of performing both reconstructive and reshaping procedures. A cosmetic surgeon can be any doctor who has done a specialization in a particular treatment, which may involve reshaping procedures but not reconstructive procedures. For example, a plastic surgeon deals with burn repair surgery, whereas a cosmetic surgeon deals with skin rejuvenation (Botox, filler treatments). A cosmetic surgeon may not be a qualified plastic surgeon and may have a degree from dentistry or dermatology. They may also not choose to do complicated procedures.
A cosmetic surgeon can be any doctor (no post-graduate degree required) who happens to have a certificate or diploma of doing a certain procedure recognized by the medical board as a specialist. They may or may not have a M.Ch degree. They might also have memberships to plastic surgery societies. It is highly advisable to ask your family doctor for help in finding the right doctor.
Plastic surgery is used to repair abnormalities such as cleft lip, webbed fingers, areas damaged by removal of cancerous tissue, extensive burns or other serious injuries.
The degree of the risk depends on the size of the affected area, the surgeon’s level of experience and the overall health of the patient. Some procedures may involve pain and discomfort and it is advisable to contact your doctor if you feel unexpected pain or swelling after the surgery.
Hematoma, scarring, blood loss, nerve damage, infection, deep vein thrombosis and seroma are the common complications.
A cosmetic surgery specialist may charge Rs. 600 to 1,000 for a consultation in India and US$ 75 to 200 in the United States.
Cosmetic Surgery specialists make surgeries at the age between 18 and 70. This is because most cosmetic procedures work best when the body has achieved its full adult size. For males, adult size is usually reached between age 15 and 18, while for females, it is 14 to 18.
Time between your consultation and your surgery date is usually 4 to 10 weeks. Again, a highly rated surgeon is likely to be booked for weeks or even months ahead.
You can find the best cosmetic surgeons near you by using the "Search cosmetic surgeon by pincode" or "Search cosmetic surgeon by city" feature provided by Medindia. Medindia has a repository of premium Cosmetic Surgery doctors who have subscribed to its virtual clinic for tele-consultations or physical consults. These are all verified doctors and are available with their contact number, address, location, education, experience, language known, available time for appointments, their total years of experience and many more details.
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