Medindia's Healthcare Directory has information on 359 Geneticist or Genetic Counselor from India. Geneticist is one who uses genetic information and DNA tests to diagnose and counsel about prevention of inherited genetic disorders, chromosome defects and diseases and conditions influenced by genetic factors.
The information displayed is to help you locate Geneticist or Genetic Counselor nearest to where you live. The listed information includes contact details like address, phone numbers, emails, contact person and directions to the hospital or clinic. Certain information is not displayed in view of privacy issues but is available only if you are the patient of the doctor or seek an appointment with them.
Certain information is not displayed in the listing due to privacy concerns but is available only if you are the patient of the Geneticist or seek an appointment with them or if the Geneticist is listed as premium member of Medindia.
A Geneticist or Genetic Counselor is a qualified person who may or may not be a medical doctor. They have had special training in the study of genes and heredity (the passing of genetic information from parents to their children) and specializes in diagnosing and managing genetic disorders.
There are two types of geneticists: (a) laboratory geneticist – the field involves the application of genetic technologies and (b) genetic counselor – the field where geneticists work as consultants or as a nurse.
A Geneticist addresses problems like Down syndrome, Huntington's disease, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, phenylketonuria and colon cancer.
Consulting a Geneticist usually costs from Rs. 800 to 2,500 in India and US$ 150 to 3,000 abroad.
A person might be referred to a genetic counselor, medical geneticist, or other genetics professional because of a personal or family history of a genetic condition, birth defect, chromosomal disorder, hereditary cancer, two or more pregnancy losses (miscarriages), a stillbirth, or a baby who died.
You can find the best geneticists near you by using the "Search geneticist by pincode" or "Search geneticist by city" feature provided by Medindia. Medindia has a repository of premium Genetics doctors who have subscribed to its virtual clinic for tele-consultations or physical consults. These are all verified doctors and are available with their contact number, address, location, education, experience, language known, available time for appointments, their total years of experience and many more details.
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