Medindia's Healthcare Directory has information on 7 Health Informatics Specialists from India. Health Informatics Specialist is one who works with various forms of data in a healthcare setting.
The information displayed is to help you locate Health Informatics Specialists nearest to where you live. The listed information includes contact details like address, phone numbers, emails, contact person and directions to the hospital or clinic. Certain information is not displayed in view of privacy issues but is available only if you are the patient of the doctor or seek an appointment with them.
A health information specialist is a professional who works with various forms of data in a healthcare setting.
The scope of Health Informatics includes not only medical information, but also details regarding treatments and transactions. Medical records, doctor notes, and overall health data are also covered in health informatics.
No. Only a qualified surgeon can only perform an operation.
No. A Health Informatics Specialist cannot prescribe medicines as per the law. Only a nurse or a doctor can give medicines.
Health Informatics Specialist capture, communicate and use data and clinical knowledge to support healthcare professionals. They make sure that the professionals can use the latest technology so they can better deliver patient care and they collate, store and retrieve records used in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
You can find the best health informatics specialists near you by using the "Search health informatics specialist by pincode" or "Search health informatics specialist by city" feature provided by Medindia. Medindia has a repository of premium Health Informatics doctors who have subscribed to its virtual clinic for tele-consultations or physical consults. These are all verified doctors and are available with their contact number, address, location, education, experience, language known, available time for appointments, their total years of experience and many more details.
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