Medindia's Healthcare Directory has information on 1917 Laparoscopic Surgeon from across India. The purpose of displaying the information is to help patients who are looking for doctors find these specialists. The information displayed includes contact details like address, phone numbers, emails, contact person and directions to the hospital or clinic. If you are not listed as a registered as Laparoscopic Surgeon on Medindia's list, please register to get on the list.
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Laparoscopy is a type of surgical procedure that allows a surgeon to access the inside of the abdomen (tummy) and pelvis without having to make large incisions in the skin.
Laparoscopic surgery uses a thin tube called a laparoscope. It is inserted into the abdomen through a small incision. An incision is a small cut made through the skin during the surgery. The tube has a camera attached to it. The camera sends images to a video monitor. This allows the surgeon to view inside the body without causing major trauma to the patient.
A laparoscopic surgery allows for shorter hospital stays, faster recovery, less pain, and smaller scars when compared to a traditional (open) surgery.
Yes. Laparoscopic Surgery is also known as minimally invasive or keyhole surgery.
It can be used to diagnose and treat various diseases of the reproductive system and gastrointestinal system like fibroids, infertility, cysts, abdominal pain, cancers among others.
You can find the best laparoscopic surgeon near you by using the "Search laparoscopic surgeon by pincode" or "Search laparoscopic surgeon by city" feature provided by Medindia. Medindia has a repository of premium Laparoscopic Surgery doctors who have subscribed to its virtual clinic for tele-consultations or physical consults. These are all verified doctors and are available with their contact number, address, location, education, experience, language known, available time for appointments, their total years of experience and many more details.
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