Plastic and Microsurgeon | Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Doctors in India
Medindia's Healthcare Directory has information on 394 Plastic surgeon from India. A Plastic surgeon is a medical doctor who repairs injuries and congenital (present at birth) defects affecting appearance or function.
The information displayed here is to help you locate the Plastic surgeon nearest to where you live. Contact details like address, phone numbers, emails, contact person and directions to the hospital or clinic are included. Addressing privacy issues, certain information is made available only if you are a patient of the doctor or seek an appointment with them. If you are not listed as a registered Plastic surgeon on Medindia’s list, please register to get on the list.
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Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body.
Plastic surgeons repair injuries and congenital (present at birth) defects affecting appearance or function.
Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involved with both the improvement of a person's appearance and the reconstruction of facial and body tissue defects caused by illness, trauma, or birth disorders. Plastic surgery restores and improves function as well as appearance.
Plastic surgery can be used to repair abnormalities that have existed from birth, such as a cleft lip and palate, webbed fingers, and birthmarks. It is also used to reconstruct the areas damaged by the removal of cancerous tissue, such as the face or the breast, extensive burns, and other serious injuries.
A consultation with a plastic surgeon would cost around Rs. 800 to 1200 in India and USD 200 to 800 abroad.
A final review of your medical history, confirm the completion of all necessary tests for your individual surgery, and review your operative plan. For implant patients, the implant style, size, and volume are determined. Your prescriptions for medications are reviewed.
Plastic surgeons are guaranteed to be trained in cosmetic surgery, general surgery, and reconstructive surgery. Cosmetic surgeons do not come with this guarantee.
Some amount of pain and discomfort is inevitable with every type of surgery. but with recent technologies, the pain is minimal.
The cost of plastic surgery in India ranges from INR 15,000 to INR 2,50,000 and USD 4,000 to USD 20,000.
You can find the best plastic & cosmetic surgeons near you by using the "Search plastic & cosmetic surgeon by pincode" or "Search plastic & cosmetic surgeon by city" feature provided by Medindia. Medindia has a repository of premium Plastic Surgery doctors who have subscribed to its virtual clinic for tele-consultations or physical consults. These are all verified doctors and are available with their contact number, address, location, education, experience, language known, available time for appointments, their total years of experience and many more details.
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