Dr. Naveen Kumar.L.V is a well qualified doctor of Orthopedist category with an experience of 21 Years in Bangalore. Dr. Naveen Kumar.L.V has taken medical degree in MS: Orthopaedics, FRCS: Trauma & Orthopedic Surgery, M.Ch: Orthopaedics, MBBS from a well recognized medical college.
Dr. Naveen Kumar.L.V practice as a Orthopedist in Bangalore at HSR Layout, Bangalore locality and currently giving medical services at Sports Orthopedics Institute. Dr. Naveen Kumar.L.V is a well known Orthopedist doctor in Bangalore from past few years.
You can visit Dr. Naveen Kumar.L.
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V for Orthopedist related problems in Bangalore and call on his clinic number at 9606624587 to schedule appointments or visit
1084, 2nd Floor, Shirish Foundation, 14th Main
18th Cross, Sector 3, HSR Layout
Specialities Available at this Location
Consultation Timings
Mon-Thu, Sat:09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Dr. Naveen Lokikere has the following qualifications:
Dr. Naveen Lokikere specializes in Orthopedics and General Medicine / Internal Medicine.
Dr. Naveen Lokikere has 24 years of experience.
Dr. Naveen Lokikere practices at Sports Orthopedics Institute Hsr - Bangalore.