
Ciprofloxacin : Interaction with Foods, Herbs, Alcohol and Caffeine

Are you taking Ciprofloxacin ? Are you aware of the dangers of combining Ciprofloxacin with certain foods, herbs or alcohol? Drug-food-interactions are seldom discussed but can lead to undesirable side effects and potentially diminish the efficacy of the medication.

Ciprofloxacin Interactions with Food and Herbs

Multivitamins plus Minerals supplement: When you are on ciprofloxacin, avoid taking multivitamins plus minerals supplement medication as it may interfere with the absorption of the drug into the bloodstream and reduces its potency (1 Trusted Source Cipro and Alcohol/Food Interactions.

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Dairy products: Avoid taking ciprofloxacin with dairy products such as milk, yogurt, or calcium-fortified foods. It may cause a drug to be less effective (1 Trusted Source Cipro and Alcohol/Food Interactions.

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Ciprofloxacin Interactions with Alcohol

Combined use of alcohol and ciprofloxacin may lead to some side effects and it can make the drug less effective.It is best to avoid alcohol when you are on ciprofloxacin (2 Trusted Source
Klasco, Richard. (2018). Can I Drink Alcohol While Taking Antibiotics?

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Ciprofloxacin Interactions with Caffeine

Avoid intake of ciprofloxacin with caffeine-containing products like coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate as it can prolong the effectiveness of the drug (1 Trusted Source Cipro and Alcohol/Food Interactions.

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When and How to Take Ciprofloxacin

  • Ciprofloxacin is available in the form of an extended-release tablet and suspension to take orally (by mouth).
  • You may take it preferably once or twice a day with or without food.
  • Follow the instructions as given by your doctor's prescription. Take the medicine at around the same time every day for better results.
  • Don't exceed or reduce the dose on your own (3 Trusted Source
    NHS - Ciprofloxacin: antibiotic to treat bacterial infections.

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1. Cipro and Alcohol/Food Interactions. Retrieved on 9th June 2022 from:,cipro.html
2. Klasco, Richard. (2018). Can I Drink Alcohol While Taking Antibiotics? Retrieved on 10th June 2022 from:
3. NHS - Ciprofloxacin: antibiotic to treat bacterial infections. Retrieved on 10th June 2022 from:

Drug Name : Ciprofloxacin

Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, prescribed for certain types of bacterial infections such as pneumonia, urinary tract, skin, bones and joint infections. It is also used to treat gastrointestinal infections.
We recommend consulting your doctor to verify the information presented on this page or if you need any further clarifications.

Ciprofloxacin for Medical Condition(s)