
Isoniazid : Interaction with Foods, Herbs, Alcohol and Caffeine

Are you taking Isoniazid ? Are you aware of the dangers of combining Isoniazid with certain foods, herbs or alcohol? Drug-food-interactions are seldom discussed but can lead to undesirable side effects and potentially diminish the efficacy of the medication.

Isoniazid Interactions with Food and Herbs

Tyramine foods: Intake of isoniazid with tyramine-containing foods, such as cheese, yogurt, and red wine, can lower metabolism and raise blood pressure (1 Trusted Source
Isoniazid and Food Interactions:- Fish, Cheese and Wine

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Histamine foods: Intake of isoniazid with histamine-rich foods such as scombroid fish, skipjack, tuna, mackerel, and salmon may reduce blood pressure (1 Trusted Source
Isoniazid and Food Interactions:- Fish, Cheese and Wine

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Isoniazid Interactions with Alcohol

  • When you are on isoniazid, you should avoid drinking alcohol.
  • It may cause some side effects like rapid heartbeat, sudden changes in blood pressure, stomach pain, vomiting, headache, and liver damage (2 Trusted Source
    Harmful Interactions. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

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Isoniazid Interactions with Caffeine

Avoid taking isoniazid with caffeine-containing products like coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate, as it can lead to some side effects like increased blood pressure, confusion, and restlessness (3 Trusted Source Isoniazid Food, Alcohol, Supplements and Drug Interactions.

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When and How to Take Isoniazid

  • Isoniazid is available as both a prescription and an OTC medication.
  • It comes in the form of a tablet and a solution to be taken orally (by mouth) without food.
  • You will be usually advised to take it once a day. Follow the instructions as given by your doctor's prescription.
  • Take the medication at around the same time every day for best results.
  • Do not exceed or skip the dose. Do not double the dose at a time to compensate for the missed dose (4 Trusted Source
    National Library of Medicine: Isoniazid MedlinePlus Drug Information.

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1. Takeshi, K., Yoshiaki, I. (2005). Isoniazid and food interactions: -fish, cheese, and wine. Internal Medicine, 44(11), 1120-1121. doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.44.1120
2. National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism. (2014) Harmful Interactions: Mixing Alcohol With Medicines. Retrieved on 10th June 2022 from:
3. Isoniazid Food, Alcohol, Supplements and Drug Interactions. Retrieved on 9th June 2022 from:
4. National Library of Medicine: Isoniazid MedlinePlus Drug Information. Retrieved on 9th June 2022 from:

Drug Name : Isoniazid

Isoniazid is an antibiotic agent, prescribed for tuberculosis (TB) either alone or with other medications.
We recommend consulting your doctor to verify the information presented on this page or if you need any further clarifications.

Isoniazid for Medical Condition(s)










