Retinoblastoma is a type of cancer of the eye occurring in children. Early diagnosis and treatment, and genetic counselling can go a long way in saving life and vision in children and siblings at risk for this disease.
Brand Names and Generic Names of Drugs for Treatment of Retinoblastoma
Carboplatin is prescribed for the treatment of ovarian cancer.
Brand Names :
Karplat | Karplat (10 mg) | Blastocarb | Womastin | Biocarb (15 ml) | Niscarbo | Blastoplatin | Ducarb | Oncocarbin AQ | Carboplan
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Cyclophosphamide is an antineoplastic agent, prescribed for many types of cancers like lymphatic cancer, cancer of white blood cells and plasma cells, etc,.
Brand Names :
Oncophos | Cyphos | Cycrame | Oncomide | Ledoxan | Endoxan - Asta | Cycloxan | Cydoxan | Ledoxan | Endoxan - Asta
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Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant, prescribed for prevention of organ rejection during transplantation.
Brand Names :
Arpimune Me | Imusporin (100 mg) | Graftin (100 mg) | Sandimmun Neoral (100 mg) | Imusporin | Graftin (25mg) | Sandimmun Neoral | Panimun Bioral( Sg) | Imusporin (50 mg) | Panimun Bioral (50 mg)
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Doxorubicin is a cytotoxic anthracycline antibiotic, prescribed for treating various types of cancer.
Brand Names :
Doxolem | Tevadox | Doxorubicin | Adrosal | Duxocin | Duxocin | Adriamycin (50 mg) | Adrim | Adrim (2 mg) | Cardia
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Etoposide is an anti-cancer agent, prescribed for lung cancer and testicular cancer.
Brand Names :
Eside Inj | Etosid | Actitop (50 mg) | Eside (50 mg) | Posid (50 mg) | Etosid | Etolon (50 mg) | Toposide (50 mg) | Etosid Cap (100 mg) | Lastet 50mg
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Melphalan is a chemotherapy agent, prescribed for multiple myeloma, melanoma, and ovarian carcinoma.
Brand Names :
Alkacel | Alkacel (5 mg) | Alkacel (50 mg) | Alkeran | Alkeran (5 mg) | Alkeran (50 mg) | Melfalax 2 gm | Melfalax 5 gm | Alkeran (2mg) | Alkeran (5mg)
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Topotecan is a topoisomerase type I inhibitor, prescribed for ovarian or lung cancer that do not respond well to other types of cancer treatment.
Brand Names :
Topotel | Cantop | Topotel (4 mg) | Cantop (2.5mg)
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Vincristine is a chemotherapy agent, prescribed for certain types of cancer such as leukemia, Hodgkin disease, and non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
Brand Names :
Biocristin | Alcrist | Vcr 1mg Injection 1ml | Vincristine Gls 1 mg Injection | Oncocristin-AQ
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