Andropause - Male menopause - Symptoms - Causes - Diagnosis - Treatment
Andropause or male menopause causing low libido in a man is due to decreasing level of male hormones, like testosterone. Symptoms of andropause are depression, irritability.
Brand Names and Generic Names of Drugs for Treatment of Andropause / Male Menopause
Testosterone Enanthate
Testosterone Enanthate is an androgen and anabolic steroid, prescribed for patients who have low levels or no testosterone produced by the body.
Brand Names :
Testoviron Depot 250 Injection | Testanon (50 mg) | Testonova | Andriol Testocaps | Cernos | Testoviron Depot | Sustanon 250 | Mixogen (1ml) | Menocare 45mg Injection 1s | Testoviron Injection (25mg/110mg)
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