Ear Blockage / Wax Blockage
Ear blockage or clogged ear causes include earwax, infection or inflammation. Treatments include de-congesting the Eustachian tubes and using ear drops.
Brand Names and Generic Names of Drugs for Treatment of Ear Blockage
Finafloxacin ear drops are used to treat acute external ear infection caused by virulent organisms like Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.
Phenylephrine is a selective alpha agonist, used to increase blood pressure and topically as a nasal decongestant.
Brand Names :
Alex Cough Formula | Phenpres | Frenin | Nefrisol | Paripher | Sunepherine -Eye (10%) | Phenylephrine Eye | Nefrin Eye | Sunepherine -Eye | Sunepherine -Eye (5%)
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Triethanolamine Polypeptide
Triethanolamine Polypeptide is an emulsion, prescribed for removal of earwax before ear examination.
Tyrothricin is a topical antibiotic, prescribed for sore throat, skin infections and ear infections.
Brand Names :
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