Smell and Taste Disorders
Smell and taste disorders are common chemosensory disorders that are capable of affecting an individual’s quality of life.
Brand Names and Generic Names of Drugs for Treatment of Smell and Taste Disorders
Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant, prescribed for depression.
Brand Names :
Triptylin Forte | Amypres -C | Chlotrip DS | Libotryp D.S. | Amilite Plus | Amiwel -Forte | Amrea C | Triplex Forte | Libotryp XL | Amitryn -C Plus
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Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, prescribed for certain types of bacterial infections such as pneumonia, urinary tract, skin, bones and joint infections.
Brand Names :
Orpic | Wyserin | Penquin | Quinotab | Ciprind | Ciprocure | Strox | Ciprotum | Ciprocore | Zoxan
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Metronidazole is an antibacterial agent, prescribed for trichomoniasis, amebiasis and other bacterial infections.
Brand Names :
Metron | Flagyl | Aristogyl | Metron | Metrogyl | Oflomac-M (50mg/100mg) | Oflomac-M Forte (100mg/200mg) | Oflostar-M (50mg/100mg/5mL) | Aldezole (200mg/5mL) | Flagyl (200mg/5mL)
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