Drugs with the Side Effect - Labyrinthine disorder
Clarithromycin , Clomipramine , Irbesartan , Itraconazole , K779 , Lacosamide , Meloxicam , Posaconazole , Ropinirole , Sertraline , Thalidomide
Find drugs that can cause other symptoms like 'Labyrinthine disorder'
Ear and labyrinth disorders | Ear canal erythema | Ear congestion | Ear discomfort | Ear disorder | Ear disorders NEC | Ear feels clogged | Ear infection | Ear malformation | Ear pain | Ear roaring | External ear disorder | Inner ear infection | Labyrinthitis | Low set ears | Mastoiditis | Myringitis
References- https://www.fda.gov/drugs/information-consumers-and-patients-drugs/finding-and-learning-about-side-effects-adverse-reactions
- https://nctr-crs.fda.gov/fdalabel/ui/search
- https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/