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Cefadroxil - Trade Names
Cefadroxil - Trade Names
Find all the commercial and brand names of generic drug called Cefadroxil. This is an invaluable reference resource for healthcare professionals, patients, caregivers and anyone in need of understanding medication branding.
Acer (250mg)
Acer (30ml)
Acer (500mg)
Acidrox (250mg)
Acidrox Kid (125mg)
Acidrox Kid (250mg)
Actidrox (30ml)
Actidrox (500mg)
Actidrox DT (250mg)
Acudrox (30ml)
Acudrox (500mg)
Acudrox Dry (30ml)
Acudrox DT (125mg)
Acudrox DT (250mg)
Acudrox FC (500mg)
Adrox DT (125mg)
Adrox DT (250mg)
Adrox DT (500mg)
Affycef (500mg)
Affycef DT (125mg)
Affycef DT (250mg)
Aldrox (250mg)
Aldrox (500mg)
Ambidrox DT (250mg)
Amdrox (125mg)
Androxil (250mg)
Androxil DT (250mg)
Apdil (500mg)
Apdil D (30ml)
Apdil DT (250mg)
Apdil Rediuse (30ml)
Aqdrox DS (250mg)
Ardox Kid (125mg)
Ardrox (125mg)
Ardrox (250mg)
Ardrox (30ml)
Ardrox (500mg)
Atdrox (500mg)
Atdrox DT (125mg)
Axis (125mg)
Axis DT (250mg)
B Dril (250mg)
B Dril (30ml)
B Dril (500mg)
Bacdroxyl (250mg)
Bacdroxyl (500mg)
Bactidrox (250mg)
Bactidrox Kid (125mg)
Bdroxil (125mg)
Bdroxil DT (250mg)
Bdroxil DT (500mg)
Bicef (250mg)
Bicef (30ml) (125mg)
Bicef (30ml) (250mg)
Bicef (500mg)
Bicef (60ml)
Bicef DT (125mg)
Bicef DT (250mg)
Bicef DT (500mg)
Bid (250mg)
Bid (30ml)
Bid (500mg)
Bid Kid (250mg)
Bid KT (125mg)
Bidoxil (250mg)
Bidoxil (30ml)
Bidoxil (500mg)
Bidrox (30ml)
Bidrox (500mg)
Bidrox DT (250mg)
Bidrox Kid (125mg)
Bless (30ml)
Bless DT (250mg)
Bludrox (250mg)
Bludrox (500mg)
Bludrox DT (250mg)
Bludrox P (10ml)
Bludrox P (30ml)
Bludrox P DT (125mg)
Bludrox-CA (500mg/125mg)
Bludrox-P (125mg)
Bonaxil (250mg)
Bonaxil (500mg)
Brotzu (250mg)
Brotzu (30ml)
Brotzu (500mg)
Bxicom -LB
Bxicom -LB 200
C Drox (250mg)
C Drox (250mg) (Corona Labs)
C Droxil (500mg)
C Droxil DT (125mg)
C Droxil DT (250mg)
Caredrox (500mg)
Caredrox DT (125mg)
Caredrox DT (250mg)
CD Stan (125mg)
CD Stan (250mg)
CD Stan (500mg)
CDCV (250mg/62.5mg)
CDCV (500mg/125mg)
CDR (250mg)
CDR (30ml)
CDR (500mg)
CDR-D (125mg)
CDX (250mg)
CDX-Kid (125mg)
Cedar (250mg)
Cedar (500mg)
Cedar Kid (125mg)
Cedil (30ml)
Cedil (500mg)
Cedil DT (125mg)
Cedil DT (250mg)
Cedol DT (500mg)
Cedril (250mg)
Cedril (500mg)
Cedril DS (30ml)
Cedro (125mg)
Cedrox (125mg)
Cedrox (250mg)
Cedrox (30ml)
Cedrox (500mg)
Cedrox (500mg) (CABL)
Cedrox DT (125mg)
Cedrox DT (250mg)
Cedrox tab (500mg)
Cedroxil (250mg)
Cedroxil Dry (30ml)
Cefacare (30ml)
Cefacare DT (250mg)
Cefacef (500mg)
Cefacre (500mg)
Cefacur (500mg)
Cefadic (250mg)
Cefadic (500mg)
Cefadic DS (30ml)
Cefadil (500mg)
Cefadil DT (250mg)
Cefadron-LB (125mg)
Cefadron-LB (250mg)
Cefadron-LB (500mg)
Cefadrox (500mg)
Cefadrox DS (125mg)
Cefadrox DS (250mg)
Cefadrox Kid (125mg)
Cefadrox Kid (250mg)
Cefadrox Rediuse (125mg)
Cefadrox Rediuse (250mg)
Cefadrox tab (500mg)
Cefadroxina (500mg)
Cefadroxina-Kid (125mg)
Cefadur (10ml)
Cefadur (125mg)
Cefadur (500mg)
Cefadur DT (125mg)
Cefadur DT (250mg)
Cefadur Rediuse (100mg/ml)
Cefadur Rediuse (10ml)
Cefadur Rediuse (125mg)
Cefadur Rediuse (125mg/5ml)
Cefadur Rediuse (250mg)
Cefadur Rediuse (250mg/5ml)
Cefadur susp (10ml)
Cefadur Tab (125mg)
Cefadur Tab (250mg)
Cefadur Tab (500mg)
Cefalobid (250mg)
Cefalobid (500mg)
Cefalobid DT (125mg)
Cefar tab (500mg)
Cefar-Kid (125mg)
Cefastar (125mg)
Cefastar (250mg)
Cefastar (30ml)
Cefataur (125mg) (cefadroxil)
Cefataur (250mg) (cefadroxil)
Cefataur (30ml) (cefadroxil)
Cefataur (500mg) (cefadroxil)
Cefatos (500mg)
Cefatos-Kid (250mg)
Cefavir (500mg)
Cefavir DS (30ml)
Cefavir DT (125mg)
Cefavir DT (250mg)
Cefaxer-Kid (125mg)
Cefaxer-Kid (250mg)
Cefaxer-Kid (500mg)
Cefcare (250mg)
Cefcare (500mg)
Cefcare DS (30ml)
Cefcare DT (250mg)
Cefdil (500mg)
Cefdil-DT (250mg)
Cefdil-Kid (125mg)
Cefdox (125mg)
Cefdox (250mg)
Cefdox (30ml)
Cefdox (500mg)
Cefdre (500mg)
Cefdre-DT (125mg)
Cefdre-DT (250mg)
Cefdronat (125mg)
Cefdronat (250mg)
Cefdronat (500mg)
Cefnor (125mg)
Cefnor (250mg)
Cefnor (30ml)
Cefnor (500mg)
Cefodril (30ml)
Cefodril (500mg)
Cefoxid (250mg)
Cefoxid (500mg)
Cefoxid DS (30ml)
Cefoxid DT (125mg)
Cefoxil (250mg)
Cefoxil (30ml) (dynamic)
Cefoxil (500mg)
Cefoxil Syrup (30ml 250mg)
Cefoxil-DT (125mg)
Cefoxil-DT (250mg)
Cefoxil-P (250mg)
Cefradrox Kid (125mg)
Ceftek (500mg)
Ceftek DS (30ml)
Ceftek DT (250mg)
Ceftic-DT (250mg)
Ceftic-DT (500mg)
Ceftic-Kid (125mg)
Ceftin (250mg)
Ceftin (500mg)
Cefwin (100mg/ml)
Cefwin (125mg)
Cefwin (125mg/5ml)
Cefwin (250mg)
Cefwin (250mg/5ml)
Cefwin (30ml)
Cefwin (500mg)
Cefwin DS (30ml 250mg)
Cefwin-DT (125mg)
Cefwin-DT (250mg)
Cefwin-DT (500mg)
Cefzil (125mg)
Cefzil (250mg)
Cefzil (500mg)
Cepad (30ml)
Ceroxil (125mg)
Ceroxil (500mg)
Ceroxil-Kid (125mg)
Ceroxyl (30ml)
Cetron-DT (125mg)
Cetron-DT (250mg)
Cetron-DT (500mg)
Cexil (30ml) (125mg)
Cexil (30ml) (250mg)
Cexil DT (250mg)
Cexil Kid (125mg)
Cexon (125mg)
Cexon (250mg)
Cexon (500mg)
CFD (250mg)
CFD (500mg)
CFD Dry (30ml)
CFD-Kid (125mg)
Cffoxid (125mg)
Cffoxid (250mg)
Cffoxid (500mg)
Cffoxid DT (125mg)
Cffoxid DT (250mg)
Cffoxid DT (500mg)
Chemid (250mg)
Chemid (500mg)
Cidaxil (125mg)
Cidaxil (250mg)
Cidaxil (500mg)
Cidaxil Cap (250mg)
Cimdrox (250mg)
Cimdrox (500mg)
Codrox (500mg)
Codroxil (125mg)
Codroxil (250mg)
Codroxil (500mg)
Codroxil KT (125mg)
Codroxil KT (250mg)
Cosdrox (500mg)
Cosdrox DT (125mg)
Cosdrox DT (250mg)
Cotdrox (250mg)
Cotdrox Kid (125mg)
Coxil DT
Coxil DT (500mg)
Cudrox (250mg)
Cudrox (500mg)
Cydroxil (250mg)
Cydroxil (500mg)
Cydroxil Dry (30ml)
Cydroxil Kid (125mg)
Cydroxil S (30ml)
Cynoxil (125mg)
Cynoxil (250mg)
Cynoxil (30ml)
Cynoxil (500mg)
Dax (30ml)
Dax (500mg)
Dax DT (250mg)
Dax Kid (125mg)
De Bact (125mg)
De Bact (250mg)
De Bact (500mg)
Deccadroxil (500mg)
Deccadroxil DT (125mg)
Deccadroxil DT (250mg)
Defaxil (125mg)
Delcef (125mg)
Delcef (250mg)
Dicef DT (125mg)
Doly (500mg)
Doly Dry (30ml)
Drocef (250mg)
Drocef (30ml)
Drocef (500mg)
Drofi (250mg)
Drofi (500mg)
Droma (500mg)
Droma Dry (30ml)
Droma DT (250mg)
Drosafe (125mg)
Drosafe (250mg)
Drosafe (500mg)
Drosec (30ml)
Drosec (500mg)
Drosec DT (125mg)
Drosec DT (250mg)
Drox (500mg)
Droxan (250mg)
Droxan (30ml)
Droxan (500mg)
Droxan Kid (125mg)
Droxbit DT (250mg)
Droxef Dry (30ml)
Droxib (250mg)
Droxib (30ml)
Droxib (500mg)
Droxibid (250mg)
Droxibid (500mg)
Droxicef (500mg)
Droxicef DT (250mg)
Droxicef Kid Tab (250mg)
Droxicef Kid Tab (500mg)
Droxif (250mg)
Droxilite (500mg)
Droxilite Kid (250mg)
Droximil (125mg)
Droxitech (30ml)
Droxitech (500mg)
Droxitech DT (200mg)
Droxitech Kid (125mg)
Droxup (250mg)
Droxup (500mg)
Droxup Kid (125mg)
Droxycad (125mg)
Droxycad (250mg)
Droxycad (500mg)
Droxycon (500mg)
Droxycon DT (250mg)
Droxycon Kid (125mg)
Droxykon (250mg)
Droxykon (500mg)
Droxyl (30ml)
Droxyl (500mg)
Droxyl DS (30ml)
Droxyl Instause (30ml) (125mg)
Droxyl Instause (30ml) (250mg)
Droxyl Kid (250mg)
Droxyla (250mg)
Droxyla (500mg)
Droxyla Kid (125mg)
Droxylan (250mg)
Droxymet (125mg)
Droxymet (500mg)
Droxystan (500mg)
Droxytop (125mg)
Droxytop (250mg)
Droxytop (500mg)
Droxytop Kid (125mg)
Droxytop Kid (250mg)
Edoxil (30ml)
Edoxil DT (250mg)
Efadrox (500mg)
Efadrox DT (250mg)
Efadrox KT (125mg)
Efaroxe (250mg)
Efaroxe (500mg)
Efexil (500mg)
Efexil Kid (125mg)
Eliminate (125mg)
Eliminate (125mg/5ml)
Eliminate (250mg)
Eliminate (250mg/5ml)
Eliminate (125mg)
Eliminate (250mg)
Eliminate DS (30ml) (125mg)
Eliminate DS (30ml) (250mg)
Endrox (125mg)
Endrox (30ml)
Endrox (500mg)
Endroxil (500mg)
Endroxil D (250mg)
Endroxil K (125mg)
Enocef (250mg)
Eudrox (500mg)
Eudrox Dry (30ml)
Exdrox (500mg)
Exdrox Kid (250mg)
Fax 5 (500mg)
Faxil (125mg)
Faxil (250mg)
Faxil (500mg)
Faxil DT (250mg)
Faxil Kid (125mg)
Fenarox (250mg)
Fenarox (500mg)
Fodril (125mg)
Fodril (500mg)
Fulfit (30ml)
Fulfit Kid (125mg)
Gigacef (125mg)
Gigacef (250mg)
Gigacef (30ml)
Gigacef (500mg)
Gigacef DT (125mg)
Gigacef DT (250mg)
Hidrox (250mg)
Hidrox DS (30ml)
Hidrox DT (125mg)
Hidrox Kid (125mg)
Hidroxil (250mg)
Hidroxil Kid (125mg)
Hydrox (500mg)
Hydrox DT (125mg)
Hydrox DT (250mg)
Inorox (30ml)
Inorox DT (500mg)
Jyodox (125mg)
Jyodox (250mg)
Jyodox (500mg)
Kcetrin (125mg)
Kedril (500mg)
Kedril DT (250mg)
Kefdil (250mg)
Kefdil (500mg)
Kefdil DT (125mg)
Kefexyl (500mg)
Kefexyl DT (125mg)
Kefexyl DT (250mg)
Kefloxin DS (30ml)
Kefloxin DT (125mg)
Kefloxin DT (250mg)
Kefloxin Redimix (125mg)
Kefloxin Redimix (250mg)
Kefzen (125mg)
Kefzen (250mg)
Kefzen (500mg)
Kidoxyl (250mg)
Kidoxyl (500mg)
Kidoxyl DPS (10ml)
Kidoxyl DS (125mg)
Kidoxyl DS (250mg)
Kidoxyl Kid (125mg)
Kidrox (100mg/ml)
Kidrox (125mg)
Kidrox (125mg/5ml)
Kidrox (250mg)
Kidrox (250mg/5ml)
Kidrox DPS (10ml)
Kidrox DS (125mg)
Kidrox DS (250mg)
Kidrox DT (125mg)
Kidrox DT (250mg)
Kindoxyl (250mg)
Kodrox (125mg)
Kodrox (250mg)
Kodrox (500mg)
L C Drox (250mg)
L C Drox (30ml)
L C Drox (500mg)
Lactocef (125mg)
Lactocef (250mg)
Lactocef (30ml)
Lactocef (500mg)
LB Drox (10ml)
Libadro (60ml)
Libadrox (30ml)
Libadroz (60ml)
Lixy (250mg)
Lixy (30ml)
Lixy (500mg)
Loxil (500mg)
Loxyl (500mg) (Scortis Labs)
Loxyl DT (250mg)
Lydroxil (125mg/5ml)
Lydroxil (250mg)
Lydroxil (30ml)
Lydroxil (500mg)
Lydroxil DT (250mg)
M Droxil (250mg)
M Droxil (500mg)
Maindrox (500mg)
Maindrox DT (250mg)
Maitridrox (500mg)
Maitridrox Dry (30ml)
Maitridrox DT (250mg)
Maitridrox Kid (125mg)
Maldrox (500mg)
Maldrox Dry (30ml)
Malodrox (500mg)
Manoxyl Kid (125mg)
Mapradrox (125mg)
Mapradrox (250mg)
Mapradrox (30ml)
Mapradrox (500mg)
Maxyl (125mg)
Maxyl (250mg)
Maxyl (500mg)
Megadrox (125mg)
Megadrox (250mg)
Megadrox (500mg)
Merox Kid (250mg)
Modcef (500mg)
Modcef DT (250mg)
Modcef Kid (125mg)
Monar (500mg)
Monodrox (500mg)
Monodrox DT (125mg)
Monodrox DT (250mg)
Moxydox (250mg)
Moxydox (500mg)
Mydrox (250mg/250mg)
Mydrox (500/500mg)
Nedrox (500mg)
Nedrox DT (250mg)
Nefaxil (125mg)
Nefaxil (250mg)
Nefaxil (500mg)
Neodrox (500mg)
Neodrox DT (125mg)
Neodrox DT (250mg)
Neoxil (500mg)
Neoxil DT (250mg)
Neoxil Kid (125mg)
Nesdrox (125mg)
Nesdrox (250mg)
Nesdrox (30ml)
Nesdrox (500mg)
Nesdrox DT (30ml)
Nisdrox (250mg)
Nisdrox (30ml)
Nisdrox (500mg)
Nitidrox (500mg)
Nitidrox DT (250mg)
Novadrox (500mg)
Novadrox DT (250mg)
Obdrox (250mg)
Occocef KT (125mg)
Ococef (30ml)
Ococef DT (250mg)
Ococef DT (500mg)
Odoxil (30ml)
Odoxil (500mg)
Odoxil DS 250 (30ml)
Odoxil DT (125mg)
Odoxil DT (250mg)
Odoxil OD (1000mg)
Odoxil Premix (30ml)
Odoxil Premix DS (30ml)
Odur (500mg)
Odur DT (250mg)
Okadrox (250mg)
Okadrox (30ml)
Okadrox (500mg)
Omidrox (500mg)
Oridro (30ml)
Ortos (500mg)
Ortos DT (125mg)
Ortos DT (250mg)
Ortos Redimade (30ml)
Osodroxil (250mg)
Osodroxil (30ml)
Osodroxil (500mg)
Osodroxil DT (125mg)
Oysodrox DS (30ml)
Pandrox (250mg)
Paxyl (250mg)
Paxyl (30ml)
Paxyl 250mg Tablet
PD Roxil (500mg)
PD Roxil DT (125mg)
PD Roxil DT (250mg)
Pendrox (125mg)
Pendrox (250mg)
Pendrox (500mg)
Pendrox (500mg) (IPCA)
Penoxyl (500mg)
Petdrox (500mg)
Pradrox (250mg)
Pradrox Kid (125mg)
Predoxyl (30ml)
Prodoxyl (250mg)
Prodrox (125mg)
Prodrox (250mg)
Prodrox (30ml)
Prodrox (500mg)
Puredrox (250mg)
Puredrox (500mg)
Pyceff (30ml)
Pyceff DT (250mg)
Pyceff DT (500mg)
Pyceff Kid (30ml)
Pyceff Kid DT (125mg)
Qceph (250mg)
Qceph (500mg)
Qceph Cap (500mg)
Qceph DT (125mg)
Qcidrox (250mg)
Qcidrox (500mg)
Qcidrox Kid (125mg)
Qucef (500mg)
Qucef Kid (250mg)
Racef LB (250mg)
Rapidrox (125mg)
Rapidrox (250mg)
Rapidrox (30ml)
Rapidrox (500mg)
Raxdil (250mg)
Raxdil (30ml)
Raxdil (500mg)
RDX Kid (125mg)
RDX Kid Forte (250mg)
Recef (500mg)
Recef DT (250mg)
Reladrox DT (125mg)
Reoxyl (500mg)
Reoxyl DT (250mg)
Ridrox (250mg)
Ridrox (500mg)
Ridrox Kid (125mg)
Roxil (5ml)
Roxil Forte (500mg)
Roxyl (500mg)
Roxyl DT (250mg)
RT Cef (125mg)
RT Cef (250mg)
RT Cef (30ml)
RT Cef (500mg)
Rubycef (250mg)
Rubycef (500mg)
Rubycef Kid (125mg)
Safedrox (30ml)
Safedrox (500mg)
Safedrox Kid (250mg)
Saydrox (30ml)
Saydrox Kid (125mg)
Sayodrox (30ml)
Sayodrox DT (125mg)
Seadrox (250mg)
Seadrox (30ml)
Seadrox (40ml)
Seadrox (500mg)
Seadrox P (125mg)
Shaldrox (500mg)
Shaldrox DT (250mg)
Simdrox (250mg)
Soloril (500mg)
Spidrox (250mg)
Spidrox (500mg)
Sricef (250mg)
Sricef (500mg)
Sudrox (30ml)
Sudrox (500mg)
Sudrox 250 (30ml)
Sudrox DT (125mg)
Sudrox DT (250mg)
Sunidrox (500mg)
Sunidrox DT (125mg)
Sunidrox DT (250mg)
Suzidrox (250mg)
Suzidrox Kid (125mg)
Svdox (250mg)
Svdox (500mg)
Swiceff (500mg)
Swiceff DS (30ml)
Swiceff DT (125mg)
Swiceff DT (250mg)
Swiceff RM (30ml)
Sydrox (500mg)
Sydrox DT (125mg)
Sydrox DT (250mg)
Syndrox (125mg)
Syndrox (250mg)
Syndrox (500mg)
Syndrox P (125mg)
Tidel (250mg)
Tidel (500mg)
Tidel DT (125mg)
Trenax (250mg)
Trenax (500mg)
Trenax Kid (125mg)
Vadrox DT (125mg)
Vedrox (250mg)
Vedrox (500mg)
Vepan (10ml)
Vepan (500mg)
Vepan DS 125 (30ml)
Vepan DS 250 (30ml)
Vepan DT (125mg)
Vepan DT (250mg)
Vepan Rediuse 125 (30ml)
Vepan Rediuse 250 (30ml)
Vinoxyl (500mg)
Vinoxyl DT (250mg)
Vinoxyl Kid (125mg)
Vinoxyl Kid (250mg)
Vinoxyl Kid (500mg)
Vistadrox (125mg)
Vistadrox (250mg)
Vistadrox (30ml)
Vistadrox (500mg)
Vistadrox DT (125mg)
Vistadrox DT (250mg)
Vistadrox DT (500mg)
Waladrox (30ml)
Waladrox (500mg)
Waladrox DT (250mg)
Wydrox (250mg)
Wydrox (500mg)
Wydrox Caps (500mg)
Wydrox Dry (125mg)
Wydrox Dry (250mg)
Wydrox Kid (250mg)
Xicef (125mg)
XIL (250mg)
Xil (500mg)
XIL Kid (125mg)
XYL 500 (500mg)
Zadro (100mg/ml)
Zadro (10ml)
Zadro (125mg)
Zadro (250mg)
Zadro (500mg)
Zadro (500mg/2ml)
Zadro DT (125mg)
Zadro DT (250mg)
Zadro Susp (125mg)
Zadro Susp (250mg)
Zadro-CV (250mg/62.5mg)
Zadro-CV (500mg/125mg)
Zadro-CV DS (250mg/62.5mg)
Zedoxil (30ml)
Zedoxil Kid DT (125mg)
Zedoxil LB (500mg)
Zidrox (500mg)
Zidrox DT (125mg)
Zoxil (125mg)
Zoxil (250mg)
Zoxil (500mg)
Zoxil Susp (125mg)
Zoxil Susp (250mg)
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