
Issue No.92


Power Up Your Navratri Fast with These 5 Superfoods
Diabetic-Friendly Cooking Oils: Your Healthier Choice

Discover how to eat almonds the right way to maximize their heart health benefits and avoid common mistakes.

Rainbow Meditation is a colorful, mindful meditation practice that promotes peace and balance through visualization of rainbow hues.

These five vegetarian superfoods like leafy greens, nuts, green tea, berries, and whole grains are proven to boost health, reduce chronic diseases, and promote longevity.

Discover the top 10 factors influencing mood swings, from diet and sleep to stress and hormones, and learn how to manage your emotions for a healthier, happier life.

Can a smartphone app detect Alzheimer's early? Yes, researchers have found that mobility data from mobile apps can identify early signs of cognitive decline.

Cheek swabs offer a new, non-invasive method to estimate lifespan using epigenetic data, providing insights into aging and mortality risk.

Raw garlic offers potential health benefits like improving skin health and boosting immunity but may cause digestive upset and bad breath. Consume in moderation.

Eating an egg a day is both heart-friendly and safe, with no risk of increasing blood cholesterol.

Research suggests that while a high-fat diet raises the risk of diabetes and obesity, it might not be the sole factor causing changes in the brain.

Discover how fluoridated drinking water no longer provides benefits as commercial fluoride toothpaste is easily available.

Researchers have linked changing risk factors to the increase in preterm births, which have risen by 10% over the past decade, particularly among disadvantaged groups.

Casein Kinase 1 delta (CK1δ), a protein that regulates our biological clock or circadian rhythms, alters its own function, thereby presenting new ways for treating jet lag.

Learn how including beans and pulses in the American diet can improve nutrition deficiency and diet patterns.

Health benefits of barley far outweigh any contraindications of this wonder grain and its simplicity and availability are what we should take advantage of.

Test Your Knowledge

Blood consists of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Test your knowledge about blood and some blood disorders by taking this quiz.

Blood cancer or hematological cancer is cancer involving the blood cells and affects their normal formation as well as function. Test your knowledge on blood cancer and learn more about blood cancer.

Joke of the Week

A man needing a heart transplant is told by his doctor that the only heart available is that of a sheep.

The man finally agrees and the doctor transplants the sheep heart into the man.

A few days after the operation, the man comes in for a checkup.

The doctor asks him "How are you feeling?"

Can you guess what would be the reply from the man?

Click here to view the joke >
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