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Dear Colleague,

Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute (Deemed University) is pleased to welcome you to partake in a novel distance education program leading to Diploma in Family Health.

This Course is designed particularly with the busy practitioner like you in mind. If you are a general practitioner and Keenly interested in pursuing Postgraduate education but you feel that you do not have the time to devote to a full time P.G. course- this might be the course that you are looking for. By spending a few hours every week, you towards getting a post graduate diploma, and also keep abreast of advances that affect every day process.

Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute (Deemed University) is uniquely placed to provide just the right course for the practicing Physician. Our vast faculties are not just academicians or teachers – they are engaged in routine day-to-day practice of medicine. The course material that you will get contains information tested in the front line and tailored to practice situation. The editors have developed a standard, recognizable, format of problem-oriented approaches, with catchy algorithms, a handy pharmacopoeia; sections like cannot miss diagnosis etc.

In addition, this course bears the Ramachandra seal of commitment of excellence, a commitment backed by a vast resource of specialty services, consultations and learning resources that becomes only a phone call away to participants in this course. Please take a few minutes to go through this page and feel free to contact me for any additional information. I am looking forward to interacting closely with you.

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