Research shall form an integral part of the education programme of all candidates registered for diplomate NBE degrees of the Board. The basic aim of requiring the candidates to write a thesis/dissertation is to familiarise him/her with research methodology.
The members of the faculty guiding the thesis/dissertation work for the candidate shall ensure that the subject matter selected for the thesis/dissertation is feasible and economical.
1. The thesis may be normally restricted to the size of 100 pages. To achieve this, following items may be kept in view:-
(i) Only contemporary and relevant literature may be reviewed.
(ii) The techniques may not be described in detail unless any modifications/innovations of the standard techniques are used and reference may be given.
(iii) Illustrative material may be restricted.
(iv) Since most of the difficulties faced by the residents relate to the work in clinical subjects or clinically oriented laboratory subjects, the following steps are suggested:-
(a) The number of clinical cases to be included in the thesis/dissertation may be limited. No number is therefore prescribed and it will vary from topic to topic.
(b) For prospective study, as far as possible the number of cases should be such that adequate material, judged from the hospital attendance, will be available and the candidate will be able to collect the case material within a period of 6-12 months so that he/she is in a position to complete the work within the stipulated time.
(c) The objective of the study should be limited and well defined.
(d) As far as possible, only clinical or laboratory data of investigations or patients or such other material easily accessible in the existing facilities should be used for the study.
(e) The laboratory work required to be performed by the residents of clinical departments should be minimal. For this purpose technical assistance, wherever necessary, may be provided by the department concerned. The resident of one specialty taking up some problem related to some other specialty should have some basic knowledge about the subject and he/she should be able to perform the investigations independently. Wherever some specialised laboratory investigations are required a co-guide may be co-opted from the concerned investigative department. The quantum of laboratory work to be carried out by the candidate should be decided by the guide and co-guide by mutual consultation.
(f) The Clinical residents may not ordinarily be expected to undertake experimental work or clinical work involving new techniques, not hitherto perfected or the use of chemicals or radio isotopes not readily available. They should however, be free to enlarge the scope of their studies or undertake experimental work on their own initiative but all such studies may be feasible within the existing facilities.
(g) The residents should be able to use freely the surgical pathology/autopsy data if it is restricted to diagnosis only. If however, detailed histologic data are required the resident will have to study the cases himself with the help of the guide/co-guide. The same will apply in case of clinical data.
2. Statistical method used for analysis will be described in detail.