
Etiology: Associated with normal acidity or hyposecretion.

Atrophic gastritis.

Constant association with smoking.

Pathology: Chronic gastric ulcer is larger than a duodenal ulcer.

Floor is situated in

muscular coats and as time goes ulcer occupying posterior wall becomes adherent to and later erodes the pancreas.

Chronic ulcer in anterosuperior aspect of stomach can penetrate

the liver.

Saddle shaped ulcer situated on lesser curve can penetrate both liver and pancreas.

Do peptic ulcer become malignant?

- Chronic duodenal ulcer never become carci nomatous.

- Chronic gastric ulcer may become malignant.

Frequency : See Fig 1

Benign Ulcer

Fundus + Body


Antrum 20%

GI hemorrhage

May be first sign of PUD, often may be occult. Bleeding often first sign in patients taking NSAIDs.


More common in ulcers in the anterior wall of the abdomen. Patient will have absent bowel sounds, rebound tenderness and rigid abdomen. Upright or R lateral decubitus films will show intraperitoneal air.

Gastric carcinoma

Requires high index of suspicion. Suspect also in patients presenting with gastric outlet obstruction.

Endoscopy with biopsy diagnostic.

Clinical features of Gastric & Duodenal Ulcers

Gastric Duodenal

Periodicity Present Well marked.

Pain Soon after eating 2 hours after eating.

Vomiting Considerable No vomiting.

Hemorrhage Haemetemesis more Melena more frequent than haemetemesis.

Appetite Afraid to eat Good.

Diet Lives on milk and fish Takes almost anything.

Weight Loss of weight No loss of weight.

Special investigations:

1. Fibreoptic esophagogastroduodenoscopy: useful in diagnosis of gastric ulcer, results of medical treatment, carcinoma, examination of stoma in suspected stomal ulceration and also in diagnosis of chronic duodenal ulcer.

2. Barium meal studies : Ulcer Niche-gastric and antral ulcers.

Ulcers crater filled with barium - Duodenal ulcers.

Pyloric stenosis and hour glass contracture - characteristic appearances.

3. Tests for gastric secretion:

a) Pentagastrin test.

b) Hollanders insulin test.

c) Chew and spit test.


jungle, Saudi Arabia

I am suffering from acid peptic disease as the doctor told me and I want to try this lemon water drink in empty stomach in early morning before I have my breakfast. Does this drink worsen my disease as I read that lemon inside the body is alkaline not acid. Thank you.

sivakumar99, India

useful information

nikkay_28, Philippines

i am suffering a stomach ache and the doctor told me that i have acid peptic deasease. what kind of food should i take? thank you so much nikki from philippines

LaltuSarkar, N/A

i want to feel 1.5 years suffer burning in my stomuch but it is not right. i check endoscopy. answare is amtal gastritis/duodenal erosions. also biopsy that report is "Mild chronic antral gastritis, negative for H-pylori, gastric antral(endoscopic)biopsy." it is hapend 6 month ago. medicin doctor has been given nekfiune,zentel, nultivite gold. for 2 month but it is not work properly

jforkner_013, United States

hi i've just been diagnosed with acid peptic disease and i was wondering what we can and cannot eat