Final Comment

The development of safe and effective ORT and home made fluids have dramatically changed the management of acute diarrhea in children. Intravenous fluids and antibiotics should be judiciously used.

Antimotility and anti diarrheal agents are contraindicated. With patient education, use and application of ORT in clinical practices, family physicians can reduce out patient morbidity and provide cost effective treatment.


biren, India

I have 22 days old son and he is having diarrhea from last 12 days. we consulted doc. he gave zinc drops & last time multi vit drops. but my baby still suffers problem of diarrhea. its like, he is given feeding at aprox 2 hrs interval, he sucks properly & sucks for 15-20 min but after completing food he does toilet, every time.
so please give some advise..