Steroids not indicated in undiagnosed fever
Antibiotics in fever are indicated only when there is a definite diagnosis (clinical / Laboratory).
No role for empiric therapy unless rational approach has failed to give diagnosis.
Start empirical therapy only based on presumptive diagnosis after thoroughly investigating.
No role for empirical antituberculous therapy except in life threatening situations.
Limited role for injectable / newer antibiotics in pediatric office practice.
My son fever for 6 days and nearly finish 2 bottles of paracetamol, I'm so worried. Took blood test shown viral infection. Lost, what should I do instead of just continue giving medicine only from 3 bottles increase to 9 bottles now.
very educative
My 2 year old son exoeriences periodic high fever spell associated with vomiting about every 3 weeks or so. His first episode was in Oct 2012. His doctor states it seemed like a bacterial infection but the symptoms would reoccur every 3 weeks, skipping the month of december and jan now resurfacing in february. Im worried that this seems to be happening in patterns. Could this be a sign of something more serious?
i dunno what to do my son is 6yrs and he has fever with headache,stomach ache,chest pain and frequent cold and barking cough on geting tests done his WBC and ESR is high and gastrin level is high have given a course of antibiotics but to no relief