Prof. T.K.Partha Sarathy

Alternative methods of fluid therapy when I.V. access is not available

When a few attempts at I.V. cannulation in a child less than 6 years old are unsuccessful a viable alternative method is to utilize tibial puncture and give the fluid intraosseously.

Preconditions for the procedure:

1. Not indicated above the age of 6

2. When I.V. access is not possible and the situation is an emergency

3. Aseptic precautions should be followed very carefully (Serile technique)

4. To be utilized only for a short period until venous access is made possible

5. Use only if the limb is uninjured.


1. Betadine solution for scrub

2. Sterile drapes

3. Sterile gloves

4. 10 cc syringe half filled with Normal Saline

5. A large caliber bone marrow aspiration needle or a 18 gauge spinal needle with stylet

6. Xylocaine


razawazir, Pakistan

well this explanation guided me a lot but it will be more productive if it has been explained with a video.2nd it does not mention the proper size of the needle and criteria for selecting this rout