  • Transudates are ultrafiltrates of plasma in the pleura caused by a small, defined group of etiologies. In contrast, exudates are produced by a variety of inflammatory conditions and often require more extensive evaluation and treatment.

  • Transudates include the following:

  •     1. Congestive heart failure

        2. Cirrhosis

        3. Atelectasis

        4. Nephrotic syndrome

        5. Peritoneal dialysis

        6. Myxedema

        7. Constrictive pericarditis

  • Exudates include the following:

  • Parapneumonic
  • Malignancy (carcinoma, lymphoma, mesothelioma)
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Collagen-vascular (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus)
  • Tuberculous
  • Asbestos-related
  • Pancreatitis
  • Trauma
  • Postcardiac
    injury syndrome
  • Esophageal perforation
  • Radiation pleuritis
  • Drug-induced
  • Chylothorax
  • Meig syndrome
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Yellow nail syndrome
Other Problems
to be Considered
  • Chronic pleural thickening
  • Malignant mesothelioma


hansmash, India

how much it costs ?

mom30, United States

i get the shakes, because i be in so much pain from my menstrual cycle the frist two days of it coming on.

viikrant04, India

how much amount of pleural fluid is required for cytological examination to detect malignancy in a patient having huge amount of pleuritis