Overactive Bladder
Behavioral therapy, in the form of bladder
retraining and biofeedback, seeks to reestablish cortical control of the bladder by having the patient ignore urgency and void only in response to cortical signals during waking hours.
As with stress incontinence, ERT is also an effective treatment for women with overactive bladder. Even in patients taking systemic estrogen, localized ERT (i.e., estradiol-impregnated vaginal ring) may increase inadequate estrogen levels and decrease the symptoms associated with overactive bladder.
Likewise, pelvic floor electrical stimulation is also effective in treating women with overactive bladder. This procedure is widely used in Europe.
Neuromodulation of the sacral nerve roots through electrodes implanted in the sacral foramina is a promising new surgical treatment that has been found to be effective in the treatment of urge incontinence, urgency/frequency syndrome, urinary retention and even pelvic pain. Patients first undergo implantation of a temporary test stimulator. If a significant reduction in symptoms occurs, the permanent device is implanted one week later. Given the cost and invasive nature of this modality, it should be reserved for patients who do not respond to more conservative options.
The FDA has recently approved extracorporeal magnetic innervation, a noninvasive procedure for the treatment of incontinence caused by pelvic floor weakness. The patient sits fully clothed in a pulsating magnetic chair that stimulates the pelvic floor. A typical treatment session lasts approximately 20 minutes and includes high- and low-frequency stimulation.
Extracorporeal magnetic innervation may have a place in the treatment of women with both stress and urge incontinence.
relax idea of exam i like that exam (Amanda)
It's super cereal. You should put your damn grandma in a wheelchair and take her to a doctor.
My mother is 86. She passes urine on laughing, coughing etc. She canot move out because of incontinence. So I can't take her to a doctor.She is not diabetic. Can somebody please suggest a tested medicine for it. Thanks.
After my stroke is when it started for me. I'm sure that is just one of the results but can it be corrected without a pill?
Urinary Incontinence is a serious problem. I know, I had to deal with it with my mom/ This is a great article and will help many women