Pattern Recognition
Clues in the
Candida vulvovaginitis, typically presents with scant discharge and marked inflammatory
Table-1 Causes of Vaginitis
Infectious vaginitis
Common causes
Bacterial vaginosis
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (20 to 50 per cent of cases)
Trichomoniasis (15 to 20 percent of cases)
Less common causes
Atrophic vaginitis with secondary bacterial infection
Foreign body with secondary infection
Desquamative inflammatory vaginitis (clindamycin-responsive)
Streptococcal vaginitis (Group A)
Ulcerative vaginitis associated with Staphylococcus aureus and toxic shock syndrome
Idiopathic vulvovaginal ulceration associated with human
Immunodeficiency virus infection
Noninfectiou vaginitis
Chemical or other irritant
Allergic, hypersensitivity, and contact dermatitis (lichen simplex)
Traumatic vaginitis
Atrophic vaginitis
Postpuerperal atrophic vaginitis
Desquamative inflammatory vaginitis (Steropid responsive)
Erosive lichen planus
Collagen vascular disease, Behoet's syndrome, pemphigus syndromes
Idiopathic vaginitis Bacterial vaginosis are asymptomatic or present with only vaginal discharge and no inflammatory complaints Dyspareunia is a common feature of atrophic vaginitis Abdominal pain is suggestive of cystitis or pelvic inflammatory disease Exposure to a new sexual partner is suggestive of sexually transmitted disease Timing of symptom onset: Trichomoniasis often occurs during or immediately after the menstrual period Candida vulvovaginitis often occurs during the premenstrual period Use of antibiotics and high-estrogen oral contraceptive pills may predispose to candida vulvovaginitis Increased physiologic discharge can occur with oral contraceptives
However, none of these findings in the history allow a definitive diagnosis since there is considerable overlap among the different disorders. Thus, a physical examination and some diagnostic studies are necessary in all women.
Physical examination
The pelvic examination should focus upon the degree of vulvovaginal inflammation and characteristics of the vaginal discharge; the presence of cervical inflammation; and abdominal or cervical motion tenderness.
The vulva is usually normal in bacterial vaginosis without erythema, edema, or fissure formation.
can present with a number of symptoms in addition to vaginal discharge, including pruritus, dysuria, irritation, soreness, and dyspareunia.