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Structure of Training in UK

Referees : The last section of CV often contains 2-3 referees who would be contacted prior to interview and requested to fax references on the candidate’s performance in their prior postings. It is important to have correct and clear contact address and phone/fax numbers. Structured application forms have replaced CVs for middle grade and consultant appointments.

For the first job: Getting references from abroad is generally more time consuming. It is essential to have correct phone number and fax number and check that the Referee abroad has actually faxed it to UK. It is essential to ring the referee and warn about the possible request from a hospital for a reference and request the secretary to fax it once it is done. If there is no secretary, it is essential to have a friend to collect the reference and fax it.

Further references: After 2-3 months in the first clinical job or attachment, it is possible to get a reference from the supervising consultant in UK. This saves the hassle of chasing up the referee abroad. However a referee who does not
know the candidate or who has seen the candidate for only a few weeks, obviously cannot add much about him on the reference. This should be born in mind by the candidates.
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